
Slavery is Bad Deal. Where has been the voice of African Leaders all this while?

Feature Article Slavery is  Bad Deal. Where has been the voice of African Leaders all this while?
NOV 30, 2017 LISTEN

Did we not know the meaning of a failed state? did we not know Libya was a failing state? did it take the world by surprise? and how about African leaders. Were we blindsided to the events in Libya leading the failed state? In fact, did colonialism and slavery ever end from the land of Africa with the last colonial master gone? No, since the dawn of declaration of political freedoms and domocracy, not be grudging the fact, we've made huge strives towards freedom in africa. suffice to say, our freedom is still far within our reach- at the dictate of western influence. Financial aid, democracy and human rights accusation are the silencing weapons against every African leader.

But it is time for African leaders to be proactive, rise and demanding answers from the west concerning Libya, atleast if not apology for the slavery and colonialism we never got. Because, the Deal with Libya was not to intervene and leave Africa with Libya, a failed state. So what? they may say, it has happened, what can we do about it? I believe not muct can be done to restore Libya, but the silence of the African Union, the viocelessness of her leaders, is the sign of weakness, its people distaste. I am begining to believe the school of thought who say Gaddafi, and Robert Mugabe were the last voices of Africa, demanding respect and relations in dignity from the west, who over years dictate to us on every aspect of our life under conventionms and charters.

Indeed, no one need to be schooled on the outcomes of having a failed state, in any part of the world. we are all a witness to Iraq and Serria, and now witnessing broad day 21st century, age old slavery of black africans, auction into the gulf states. This is appalling and insulting to the African Poeples, the United Nations, the African Union and the world community at large. As a ghanaian, I feel so much anger boiling inside of me, to have seen this in the news. I have heard many here say its in the hands of our leaders to act.

I for one fell indifferent, because we had leaders in this continent, we had leaders in the United Nations security council, who stood by, watching Nato takeout one of their members, turning Libya into a failed state, and subsequently into slavemarket, a haven for jihady terrorists. how can the world claim to be solving a problem, they barely mention its cause? or put the blame where it deserves to be placed, its simply the bases for us circling round with these aging problems.

Lybia as a trafficking ruote into europe has been an aging problem for europe, the world has been aware of this fact. Obviously, cooperation from the Libyan under Gaddafi's regime was a bit problematic for Europe, who constantly saw him as a dictator. They had every insentive to get him out , and to place, someone they could easily build influencing relationship with. Though they suceeded in getting rid of him, they failed with replacing him, an outcome they barely anticipated.

The share fact that, African leaders did not voice any opposition to the Libyan raid in the 2011, , despite knowing Libya offered many of its citizen fleeing the continent into europe for greener pastures,was a worry to many Africans. This reason amonge many, should have been enough grounds for African leaders to ask for more from the western leaders. its indeed and shame, and heart wrecking for human beings to be sold today, facilitated by globalisation and quest to enforce democracy in Africa. Frankly, I do not know the cost europe incur taken in African migants, but their action suggest they will do every learnt to end the subsahara migration into europe. the more a reason our leaders must do everything to make its poeple feel, they will go any length to protect them. No one need to tell African Union to send Troops to Libya, as they demand Europe and the western leader to take responsibility for the mess created. this is been responsible and leading and not a coward.
