Tue, 04 Jul 2017 Feature Article

Arrest The Mahamas, Awuah Darko, & Sack NDC Charlatans

Arrest The Mahamas, Awuah Darko,  Sack NDC Charlatans

For as long as NDC charlatans remain in office, the wheel of change will continue to grind painstakingly slowly. If we are not careful, they can stall the gains that we are experiencing, and reverse them to make our government unpopular. Given the current status of Ghana as the shining star of Africa, and His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo the luster therein, I call for immediate steps to halt the chicanery of NDC rogues at sensitive posts in the country’s institutions.

Sack those you can and transfer those you can’t. I do not care if the boards are constituted or not, just do it!

However, we are seeing some sickening chain of occurrences that tend to cause massive disfavour amongst our honourable grass roots folks and footsoldiers. I am hearing about the appointment of people who callously went on air to dent the credibility of the President during the campaign towards elections 2016. Captain Smart, a known NDC diehard member with an unhidden hatred for Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP to maniacal levels, was revealed as the Ambulance Ambassador, a post if to be discussed does not even make sense. Maybe he needs it to send his sick heart on a spiritual emergency to rid his soul off the purgatory that he is punishing himself with.

Many more desultory characters like SenyoHosi, who openly advocated for votes against Nana Akufo-Addo is now the head of the Chamber for Bulk Oil Distribution.

What at all is wrong with us in this NPP government? For the life of me, I never imagined that such lowlife non-entities will find favour with our administration. People who were outstanding in their campaign activities and suffered the rigours of fear, intimidation, and beatings by NDC instigated police buffoons are now barely scathing through, while those that ate from the table of Ibrahim Mahama, John Mahama, Joseph SiawAgyepong of Zoomlion, Paul Afoko, and many more anti Akufo-Addo charlatans, are driving landcruisers bloviating about the foolishness of NPP officials who have no sense to reward their own, but rather those they think they can make a buck or two in connivance with.

David Asante, convener of the Let My Vote Count Alliance is still walking around jobless, and suffering actual penury. Justice Adzakuma, lost his eye, his wife, and home because of his will to see change, yet he is now a jobless, penniless outcast rejected and dejected by his very own. Mr President, please see to it that they are taken care of.

YES YES YES!!!!! Saaaaana 3se te3!!! GOD have mercy on anyone caught in a scandal. I, FadiDabbousi, will not spare them. We cannot afford to let the nation down. So far so good! His Excellency the President is making us proud everywhere Ghana is mentioned. I promise to ensure that it is kept that way. It is for this reason I insist that Alfred Obeng of BOST steps aside or be fired for foolishly allowing the NDC goad him to the pit that they had dug out for the NPP to fall in.

On the issue of corruption, I implore the President to begin cracking the whip asap. Corrupt officials from our government and those of the NDC must be brought to book immediately. With regards to John Mahama, according to the constitution, we have only two and half years to prosecute him otherwise after three years from Jan 7, 2017, he will be totally immune from same. His rot, corruption, greed, and embezzlement of the nation’s coffers, as alleged, must be investigated and if found culpable prosecuted and thrown in jail to become the first bold example of proper accountability that this country needs at all.

Ibrahim Mahama’s shady deals with his companies and surrogates, including the nonsensical bauxite deal, must be abrogated. He must be investigated, tried, and sent to jail without fear or favour.

Joseph SiawAgyepong must be stopped in his tracks before he wreaks more havoc on our economy with his smelly contracts and trash maneuvres. The State’s money must be retrieved to the last penny.

CP’s illegal sale of lands at the Tema roundabout area must be investigated with immediate effect. How can foreigners come to this country and sell lands illegally with such impunity? And the profits are frighteningly huge.

AlBaradiCompany must be investigated for renting out Hyundai excavators instead of selling them as per their GSA contract with Hyundai – Korea. They must also be investigated for causing serious financial losses to the State having made some 20 million US dollars in profits over a period of three and half years, albeit evading tax, by enslaving Ghanaian workers paying them meager salaries, flouting every employment regulation including SSNIT, and so on and so forth, while they employed Sudanese managers who were paid big money. These personnel operated in the country on temporary visitor’s visas.

What is wrong with us in this country at all? More revelations coming up!

Mr President, please crack the whip! I am beginning to have enough of the loud chattering going on within our rank and file.
