20.04.2017 Feature Article

The Resolution For The Vanquished

The Resolution For The Vanquished
20.04.2017 LISTEN

In life, there are two categories of failures. There is a difference between failures because the tasks were completely out of your league, and due to the lack of acumen that could have enabled you to accomplish the same on the one hand; and, failing as a result of complacency, laziness and/or procrastination alike. Both categories converge at the point of grieve.

The second category, however, is like an indelible marker that leaves permanent stains of grieve, regret and bitterness whenever that failure comes to mind. That category, I believe, is partly responsible for the rampant spread of suicides that have awashed our local media landscape in recent months.

Indeed it is very painful- to say the least- if at a point of failure, you reflect how you had all the acumen to have easily bamboozle your way into success; but for complacency, procrastination and abject lax of concentration. Such low points are regrettably painful alright, but once there is life, there is still hope. No life achievement, whatsoever, can be equated to the gift of this earthly life, as well as the eternal life secured as a result of salvation.

“For what shall profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own ‘soul’? Mark 8:36. This scripture is quite instructive to all, advisory to the possessors of riches and most significantly very motivational to all the presently disadvantaged.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, the communion, contribution, participation and the sweet influences of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forever more, as lighthouse members are wont to say, AMEN!
