29.03.2017 Feature Article

Getting Out Of The Miserable Prison Of A Judgemental Attitude

Getting Out Of The Miserable Prison Of A Judgemental Attitude
29.03.2017 LISTEN

Google defines offense as; annoyance or resentment brought about by a perceived insult to or disregard for oneself. It also means resentment or an insult. In many cases, an offended person may not be aware that s/he is offended.

Offense is caused by hurt. Mostly when our level of expectation is not met, and we get disappointed. In Luke 17:1 Jesus said to his disciples, ‘It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!’

On the other hand people holding an offense can easily be offended by someone doing good. Do you get offended when someone say ‘I just bought a Mercedes Benz ’ or when you see a friend with a very happy family (when yours is not doing well at the moment). Instead reply and say ‘I am happy I know where to ask for advice when I am buying my house.’ When it seems others are advancing ahead of you, this is not the time to get offended, but to get connected with them in humility in order to learn how they are doing it. If your methods are not working dump them, and change for better. It is better to be humble and succeed than to feed your pride into failure.

Judgmental The Google definition is; having or displaying an overly critical point of view, that is, critical, condemnatory, negative or disapproving. Offended people tend to be judgemental.

We are quick to judge the sinners. In life we are quick to judge. We do not wait to get the full story. In most instances the people we judge are just troubled souls, seeking salvation, love and grace. You do not know how they grew up and what they have been through. If we were to put you in their shoes you won’t like it, even for a day. Some have been let down, cheated, abused and hurt by the seeming good guys. Our role is not to bring the final sentence on them but to help them get better. To facilitate their next step by our few acts of grace and mercy. To help then unwind themselves from the effects of their past. To show them that they can make it!

In Church
What would you do if your troubled family member gets saved in a church you do not like and becomes a dedicated member of that church? Tough indeed, isn’t it? We are quick to judge other churches and their leaders without considering how many people’s lives that have been changed for good in that church. We were brought in a tradition that our church is good, and the others are bad. Today I want to challenge you to see other churches differently, as good as your church, by first considering the struggling people who have been transformed.

You might be saying, ‘but people who go to that church keep sinning and even their leaders.’ Well, are all the people in your church holy and do not sin. Are your leaders perfect? Are you sinless? Show me a perfect church. We all need the grace of God.

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Taka Sande, is an author, an entrepreneur and development activist. He has a passion for making a difference by influencing and adding value to people’s lives. He is the founder of the blog It’s My Footprint, /.
