Sun, 10 Apr 2016 Feature Article

Emotions & Our Relationships (17/09)

Emotions  Our Relationships 1709

As I enjoyed a ride through town in a ricketi Troski, I came across a USUAL occurrence but under UNusual circumstances. Two trotro bus mates in hot exchanges with each other (common ryt?); then suddenly (the unusual happens), the shorter/ slimmer of two rushes closer to the taller/hefty one, pointing finger anxiously at him (as though to pierce his eyes); the taller guy took lightly to this threat as he looked down to see this 'lil shortie' supposedly warning him (while periodically pushing the taller bus conductor at his lower abdomen)!!!

After 2minutes nonetheless, this short mate rushes back to his bus (as though been chased), and guess what: 'HE HAD GONE TO GRAB A HUGE SPANNER' to use in teaching his colleague a lesson...amazingly, the taller mate stood his ground and within 2minutes managed to disarm the shorter of his own 'weapon of mass destruction', and now with spanner in his hand threatened the shorter mate with spanner pointed in the direction of shorter mate's neck...eeeiii hmm, what a sight (with bystanders rushing to scene either to watch out for what happens next or to hear what had caused the fight or to plead with the 'victor' to temper justice with mercy)...!!!

As I looked on, I learnt few lessons worth sharing... The Asians (especially Chinese) have a warfare strategy they adopt in fighting called 'CONSTANT MOTION'; this law explains that whenever in distress, NEVER STOP MOVING!!!

As much as this law has personally helped me a number of times while facing distress, I believe a wrong understanding/ timing in applying this law can be disastrous.

The shorter mate (victim) kept facing disgrace upon disgrace by 'STILL MOVING ON' to start series of fights (with words, with hands, with spanner); the more he kept pushing forward, the more humiliated he got each time. The reason, I presume was because he was been enticed by the EMOTION OF ANGER WITHOUT JUDGMENT!!!

My version of the law since has remained ‘NEVER STOP MOVING WHEN IN DISTRESS, BUT THINK FIRST(prepare better than 1st), then KEEP MOVING’.

So for effective relationships, don’t just keep taking steps upon steps to MAKE or BREAK a friendship; pause periodically to assess friendship situation...then apply intelligence to emotions in choosing way forward.

Furthermore, for effective relationships, learn NOT TO underestimate the emotion of ANGER (especially buried inside waiting to explode)!

Anger is one emotion that puts 'dark shades (blindfolds)' on thoughts/ perceptions almost COMPLETELY. This may partly account for why wise men have said: ''when angry, barely talk/ act/ decide'. Adopt a helpful strategy in dealing with anger (reasonably and maturely) to save relationships.

FUD4TOT: When was the last time I sat to do a little introspection? When last did I reflect carefully on my emotions and feelings deep within, resulting in anger/ fear/ pain/ joy etc? When was the last time I asked myself: 'what is the real drive behind this decision that I am taking'??

The subconscious (or maybe, inner man) is impacting the lives we have far more than imagined. Check with what’s happening within (the worst enemy or closest ally is WITHIN)! God’s gracious clue into sub-conscious is through the EMOTIONS/FEELINGS. The emotions communicates volumes about what is really happening within us. Indeed, OUR EMOTIONS IS ONE MAIN MEDIUM TO MIRROR THE WORLD WITHIN US

Rite-life Freelancer
( [email protected] , 0266 650 605)
