Sat, 01 Jun 2013 Feature Article

‘KILLER AID’—The Plight Of Africa

KILLER AID—The Plight Of Africa
01 JUN 2013 LISTEN

Aid according to a definition by the oxford dictionary is; ,Give assistance; be of service, Improve the condition of, A resource, The activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose' and many more

Africa including Ghana has been receiving aid from since time in memorial from imperialists and what real significant impact has these so called aids' done to totally or drastically reduce poverty, hunger, war and disease from Africa including Ghana?

This aid's has rather crippled African leaders to the extent that they kowtow to any agreements if even in their own conscience they find it unpleasing for the masses.

Just look at what Chinese, some with illegal permit are doing to the environment of Ghana through their illegal mining sprees and to the extent of pointing guns and fighting local folks who try to resist their operations and yet leaders keep mute, probably they have earlier received an 'aid' from China and they will blatantly tell you 'we don't want to destroy the international relationship we have with China'.

I ask will China allow Ghanaians to enter their country to do illegal mining. NO!! And more so illegal mining is even illegal for local folks. If Chinese are allowed to do it won't it be good to allow local folk to also do, so they can at least get their daily bread.

And after such activities that destroy our waters with cyanide which leaves a long time effect such as cancer on children, WHO come in to report that Africa has high rate of diseases and bring in so called Aid's and vaccines to 'insult' us once again as helping us forgetting they caused the problem.

What is UN (human rights) doing to help Ghana against these atrocities Chinese are subjecting Ghanaians Through their illegal mining activities?

Really if we are to go by the definition of aid, wouldn't it have been prudent for so claimed concerned imperialists to rather give Africa including Ghana lasting aid's that will enable us rub shoulders with them including:

1. Initially helping us to drill or mine our resources and give us a fair cut of the % and latter,

2. Encouraging us to Nationalize and control our own resources such as oil, gold, diamond etc

3. Training expertise and equipping Africans (Ghanaians) in drilling their own discovered oil, process it and create a fair market for us to sell to help alleviate some of the social ( disease, poverty hunger etc) problems Africans are believed to be suffering from .

4. Train and equip us to mine our own gold, diamond etc

5. Though all the trainings and equipments can be at a fee that will be spread over a period of time for payment other than controlling our resources and giving us meager percentages like what just happened in Liberia on their newly discovered oil by given them only 5%

6. Or one can also look at it this way come in and develop our country through infrastructures such as roads, clean water, hospitals, schools, factories and large industries and control our resources for a period of time which I think will be far better than the current deals.

7. Allow African to control our own affairs other than hiding behind closed doors to dictate for our leaders.

8. Desist from installing military presence on African soils such as the 'Africom' which one can describe as recolonizing of Africa.

Middle is has a rich economy due to the managing and nationalizing their oils so why can't Africa do the same.

The question I leave in all the minds of readers is so' what at all is it that upon all the Aid's that Africans have received, Africa is still crippled with disease, hunger, poverty and war?

So one will not be wrong to say the aid's are killer rather than life given.

Long Live Africa Long Live Ghana!!

Editor's Note:

Kwaku A Darpah (a.k.a Jah son)
Black African conscious writer
[email protected]
