Wed, 05 Dec 2012 Elections

Friday's Crucial Elections: Vote Buying Gets Dirty—Anti-Corruption Agency, GII Worried

Friday's Crucial Elections: Vote Buying Gets Dirty—Anti-Corruption Agency, GII Worried

The Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII) has revealed there has been a tremendous increase in the incidence of vote buying as the political parties wrap up their various campaigns.

The GII has released a number of reports on abuse of incumbency since campaigning begun with the ruling party being faulted for encouraging its members to indulge in voting buying.

Programs Manager for GII, Linda Ofori Kwarfo, told Citi News however, that the two major political parties are neck deep in the practice of vote buying.

“Abusing incumbency was going down as the elections was drawing closer to the D-Day but vote buying was seriously happening and actually when it comes to vote buying, you are not only talking about incumbent government. But all political parties involved in the elections, to a very large extent, are buying votes.”

“In all their last minute activities and campaigning, it's obvious that the intention is actually supposed to get people to be on your side,” she indicated.

Meanwhile, in its latest annual Corruption Perceptions Index, Transparency International has revealed that Ghana's position is seen as dropping, implying that Ghana is still not winning the fight against corruption.

Ghana was ranked 64 among the 176 countries/territories considered in the index.
