20.12.2008 Feature Article

The legacy of Kufour of Ghana and Bush of USA

The legacy of Kufour of Ghana and Bush of USA
20.12.2008 LISTEN

Bush-Kuffour Conservative- Allow the poor to suffer while the Rich get Richer!

The Kuffor Administration of Ghana and Bush Administration of USA has left a footprint in world history and that of their various nations that can never be erased. Whereas Bush was known for fighting silly wars, Kuffour was known for condoning cocaine. Bush is known for given tax cut to Rich and increasing that on middle class families expecting the rich to get richer so it could trickle down; Kuffour administration is known for taxing all grade of people including taxing the poor old woman in the village for calling and talking to his son in abroad on phone to send her money for ''chop money''.

Whereas Bush was known for touching teasingly Chancellor Angela Mekerl at G8 summits, Kuffor is known for harassing female employee of National Security Ama Busia. Whereas Bush was allowing unemployment in America to skyrocket, Kuffour is known for telling Ghanaians that, they are lazy.

Whiles Americans complain in America that, they have the worse economy ever in history; Ghanaians complain they were better off 8 years ago.

While Bush is bailing out American's companies, Kuffour is selling Ghana's national companies.

Whiles Bush love to pump money into Africa and expect judicious use of this money; Kuffor say's corruption started from Adam and Eve era.

While Bush inherited America that was consistently increasing it manufacturing base to support GPD; now it is the opposite manufacturing is declining it contribution. While Kuffour also inherited a manufacturing base that was increasing by 9% per annum contribution to GDP, not is it is declining.

While Bush endorsed McCain and he lost; Kuffor has endorsed Akufo Addo and he is on the loosing trend.

While Americans and even Bush has accepted the need for Change and has appreciated Obama; Kuffor is preaching, ''moving forward''. The question is TO WHERE?

While America has spoken CHANGE, it time for Ghanaians to preach CHANGE.

God bless mother Ghana.
