
NDC Norway Branch Meets Hon. Alex Segbefia

By NDC Norway
NDC NDC Norway Branch Meets Hon. Alex Segbefia

As part of his tour of NDC branches in the Nordic countries, Hon. Alex Segbefia met the officials, members, and sympathisers of the National Democratic Congress at the premises of the renowned Organisation Against Public Discrimination in Oslo.

The Director of International Relations of our great party commenced his passionate speech by providing an update on the recent activities of the political party, particularly highlighting the revamping of party branches and chapters in the Diaspora. He emphasized the importance of these efforts in strengthening the party's network and enhancing its influence both domestically and internationally.

The Director then delved into a discussion about the dire socio-economic situation prevailing in the country. He outlined several issues plaguing the nation, including rampant nepotism, corruption, high inflation rates, and excessive borrowing from the Central Bank. Moreover, he underscored the alarming levels of youth unemployment and the resultant frustration among the youth populace.

Hon. Alex Segbefia expressed deep concern over the deplorable state of the educational system in our country, highlighting a distressing lack of structure and clarity, where even senior high school students are left uncertain about the resumption of classes after holidays. This alarming reality underscores a pressing need for comprehensive reform.

In envisioning a brighter future for education, NDC is steadfast in its commitment to undertake a transformative overhaul of the educational system upon assuming power. Central to this vision is the creation of an educational framework meticulously tailored to address the unique needs of our Ghana.

The proposed educational reform aims to cultivate a learning environment that not only imparts essential knowledge but also fosters critical thinking, innovation, and cultural awareness. It envisages a curriculum that prioritizes the teaching of African history, ensuring that students are grounded in their heritage and equipped with a deeper understanding of their roots.

Furthermore, the revamped educational system will place a strong emphasis on integrating the latest advancements in science and technology, preparing students to navigate and contribute meaningfully to the complexities of the 21st century. Through hands-on learning experiences and practical applications, students will develop the skills and competencies necessary to thrive in an increasingly interconnected global society.

By championing these progressive reforms, NDC seeks to empower future generations with the tools and knowledge needed to drive positive change, fueling the nation's progress and prosperity, he added.

The Director expressed confidence in the party's prospects in the forthcoming elections, attributing this optimism to the palpable disaffection with the incumbent government. He highlighted the party's ongoing efforts to galvanize grassroots support and prevent any attempts at election rigging by NPP, like what occurred in the previous elections in 2020.

In a call to action, the Director solicited support from Diaspora members and encouraged them to play an active role in the party's endeavours. He specifically urged Diaspora members to

adopt constituencies within the country, thereby contributing to the party's efforts to secure victory in the upcoming elections.

The meeting was held on May 1st, 2024, the International Labour Day. For a Social Democratic party, which typically champions the rights of workers, advocates for social justice, and promotes policies aimed at reducing inequality and improving the lives of working-class citizens, holding the meeting on this day served as a symbolic gesture. It underscores the party's solidarity with the labour movement and its dedication to advancing the interests of workers and marginalised communities.

Additionally, it provided an opportune moment to those present at the meeting to reflect on the ongoing struggles faced by workers, discuss pertinent socio-economic issues, and strategize on how best to address them through progressive policies and initiatives. This aligns well with the Social Democratic ideology of NDC and provides a platform to reiterate its commitment to the values of solidarity, equality, and social progress.

The meeting concluded with a reaffirmation of commitment from all attendees to support the party's objectives and work towards effecting positive change in the country. The Director of International Relations expressed gratitude to all participants and reiterated the importance of unity and collective action in achieving the party's goals of coming back to power. The attendees feted Hon. Alex Segbefia for the huge energy and time he has devoted to revamping the branches and chapters of the party in the Diaspora.

Dr Moses Deyegbe Kuvoame || Secretary
Mr. Jacob Isaka || Chairman
