Thu, 23 May 2024 Health

CDA Consult call for comprehensive strategy to combat cervical cancer

CDA Consult call for comprehensive strategy to combat cervical cancer

Cervical cancer remains a significant public health concern in Ghana. To tackle this growing issue, healthcare professionals and advocacy groups are urging the government to adopt a holistic national approach to combat cervical cancer.

Dr. Chris Kpodar, the former United Nations Consultant for Africa and the Middle East, says, "A multi-faceted strategy is crucial to addressing the various aspects of cervical cancer, from prevention to treatment and support."

Dr. Kpodar, who is a member of the Board of Directors of the Communication for Development and Advocacy Consult (CDA Consult), emphasized during interaction with newsmen in Tema the need for increased awareness, screening, and vaccination programmes, as well as improved access to healthcare services, particularly in rural areas.

He noted the importance of a comprehensive approach in implementing measures such as free cervical screening and vaccination programmes for eligible women.

“As a nation, we need to do more to address the stigma surrounding cervical cancer and ensure equal access to healthcare for all women,” he said.

He, therefore, lauded CDA Consult’s advocacy, which he described as vital in raising awareness. "We need to work together to dispel myths and misconceptions about cervical cancer and ensure that every woman has access to life-saving services."

Dr. Kpodar, who is also Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Solomon Investments Ghana Limited, urges the government to prioritize cervical cancer prevention and control, recognizing that a concerted effort can save countless lives and improve the health and well-being of Ghanaian women.

Mr. Francis Ameyibor, Executive Director of CDA Consult, stressed the need for a holistic and relentless national approach to fight against and reduce cervical cancer in the country.

He noted that cervical cancer is preventable with a multifaceted stakeholder approach, including policy interventions, public education, empowerment of health professionals, and targeted actions to encourage women to undertake cervical cancer screening.

Mr. Ameyibor stated that CDA Consult, which is a development communication advocacy non-governmental organization, has embarked on holistic cervical cancer change paradigm advocacy.

The CDA Consult Change paradigm campaign hinges on four pillars: free cervical cancer vaccination, scaling up prevention, encouraging screening for early detection, and support for treatment towards the elimination of cervical cancer in Ghana by 2030.

He revealed that the results of previous studies indicate that a lack of knowledge about cervical cancer among Ghanaians may be a barrier to cervical cancer screening.

He noted and stressed that “this is part of the reason why CDA Consult has embarked on an advocacy campaign to help scale up knowledge on cervical cancer, preventive measures, and offer support to those who are already suffering from it.

Mr. Ameyibor also explained that CDA Consult seeks to combine proactive advocacy skills and strong communication networks to congregate health professionals, human rights advocates, gender activists, religious adherents, and communication practitioners to embark on a new paradigm of advocacy.

He admits that progress has been made in promoting knowledge of cervical cancer; however, “as we approach the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal threshold for ending cervical cancer, we need to upscale our efforts through a holistic national action involving both state and non-state actors.

Mr. Ameyibor said the project would be launched by the end of the second quarter of this year to outline the modalities for the Change Paradigm Advocacy campaign for free cervical cancer vaccinations, advocacy, and scaling up prevention, detection, and treatment towards the elimination of cervical cancer in Ghana.

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