Mon, 04 Mar 2024 Health

CDA Consult joins global community to mark International HPV Awareness Day

CDA Consult joins global community to mark International HPV Awareness Day

The Communication for Development and Advocacy Consult (CDA CONSULT) has rolled out a series of activities to join the global community to observe International Papillomavirus Awareness Day (International HPV Awareness Day 2024) in Ghana.

The CDA Consult, which is a development communication advocacy non-governmental organization, activities to the event include media engagement, the creation of platforms for health professionals to speak on cervical cancer prevention, and community sensitization.

The International HPV Awareness Day (IHAD) is a global observance that focuses on raising awareness about HPV, a group of related viruses that can lead to various types of cancer and other health concerns.

The day underscores the importance of prevention, early detection, and treatment of HPV-related conditions, emphasizing the role of vaccination in reducing the spread of the virus.

In 2018, the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS) developed the International HPV Awareness Day, which is marked annually on March 4 and is an annual opportunity to educate about Human Papillomavirus, its associated cancers, and prevention tips against the virus that have the tools to eliminate it.

In a statement issued at the weekend, Mr. Francis Ameyibor, Executive Director of CDA Consult, said the communication and development advocacy group has rolled out a relentless advocacy campaign to combat cervical cancer in the country and also draw global attention to the slow pace of achieving the 2030 target and the need for scaling up the process.

The CDA Consult Executive Director stated that early detection of cervical abnormalities through screening is a critical component of cervical cancer elimination.

Mr. Ameyibor stressed that considering the urgent need to educate and sensitize the public on cervical cancer prevention, CDA Consult is rallying stakeholders towards a relentless national advocacy campaign to battle cervical cancer.

He added that CDA Consult aims to bring together health professionals, human rights advocates, gender activists, religion adherents, and communication practitioners to embark on a new model of advocacy.

He acknowledges that progress has been made in spreading cervical cancer awareness; nonetheless, "as we approach the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal threshold for cervical cancer eradication, we need to scale up our efforts through a comprehensive national action involving both state and non-state actors."

He stressed the need for a holistic and relentless national approach to fight against and reduce cervical cancer in the country.

He noted that cervical cancer is preventable with a multifaceted stakeholder approach, including policy interventions, public education, empowerment of health professionals, and targeted actions to encourage women to undertake cervical cancer screening.

The CDA Consult Change paradigm campaign hinges on four pillars: free cervical cancer vaccination, scaling up prevention, encouraging screening for early detection, and support for treatment toward the elimination of cervical cancer in Ghana by 2030.

According to the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS), as we journey towards creating a world free of preventable diseases, understanding and combating the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a vital step.

The International HPV Awareness Day, therefore, serves as a beacon, rallying the global community to raise awareness about HPV, its associated risks, and the measures we can adopt for prevention.

The day is observed annually on March 4th, when healthcare professionals, advocates, and communities come together to share knowledge and resources about HPV and its implications.


CDA Consult
CDA Consult

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