Wed, 15 Dec 2021 Social News

Don’t wait for party heroes to die before you do big funerals — Former NPP Director

  Wed, 15 Dec 2021
Dont wait for party heroes to die before you do big funerals — Former NPP Director

A Former Director of Finance and Administration of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr Charles Dwamena (Dr China) has urged the party not to neglect persons who dedicate themselves and their resources to the party.

Some foot soldiers over the years have complained that despite their work, some of them are neglected when the party comes to power and therefore at times, they either have to leave or pull back their support.

Speaking on Atinka TV ‘s morning show, Ghana Nie with Ekourba Gyasi, Dr Charles Dwamena observed that some persons used their resources or sold their properties to support the party at some point but they were currently on retirement and do not have money.

He said some also served the party well but are facing hardship after losing elections.

“Someone used to have money but maybe he spent his money or sold his property to help the party and is now on retirement. Because they do not have money, they may be shy and so cannot say it but they wail inside, we do not have to wait for such people to die before we do big funeral for them. Let’s help them by setting up welfare fund for them.”

That, he said will encourage even children of such persons to work hard for the party.

He said the party should send resources to constituencies every month to support the work by members.

