Wed, 09 Dec 2020 Elections

‘Thank you Ghana, I’ll not let you down’ – Akufo-Addo assures

  Wed, 09 Dec 2020
Thank you Ghana, Ill not let you down  Akufo-Addo assures

President-elect, Akufo-Addo has expressed gratitude to Ghanaians for giving him a resounding victory in the 2020 presidential elections.

Speaking from his residence after the declaration of the presidential results by the Returning Officer of the 2020 presidential election, Jean Mensa, Nana Akufo-Addo said he is determined to turn the fortunes of the country around.

“Just as I have been doing since 2017, I give you my word, that I will continue to work very hard to build a prosperous and progressive Ghana for which we yearn. The size and margin of this election constitute for me an endorsement of the policies and programs initiated by my government.”

“I am determined to do all in my power to accomplish the task of this new mandate and thereby justify the confidence reposed in me. I assure you fellow Ghanaians that I will do my best not to let you down.”

He also committed to working together with the minority in parliament in the interest of the nation.

“The Ghanaian people through the results have made it loud and clear that the two parties must work together for the good of the country. Now is the time for each and every one of us, irrespective of our political affiliations, to work hard and place Ghana where we want it to be.”

The President-elect said he seeks to “reverse the adverse effect COVID-19 has had on our economy and lives” in his second term.

Nana Akufo-Addo, who led the New Patriotic Party into the December 7 polls, obtained 6,730,413 votes out of a total of 13,434,574, representing 51.59% while the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama placed second, garnering 6,214,889 which represents 47.36% of the total ballots cast.

In all, 12 presidential candidates contested in the 2020 polls.

