24.08.2006 Feature Article

Frankly Speaking – Ghana Police phone numbers

Frankly Speaking – Ghana Police phone numbers
24.08.2006 LISTEN

Trying to comprehend Ghana politics from both sides (politicians and citizens) in the wake of armed robbery in Ghana, there is the justification from eh police authorities that the police stations in Ghana today has phone numbers whereby the police could be called in emergency situations. This could be an acknowledgment for the police/citizen services, but then, police phone numbers available in Ghana are minimum 10 figures. Apart from them being 10 figures, there are handy numbers which costs more than the normal landlines.

All well and good, but my problem with these handy numbers are:

1. How many people can remember 10 figures on top of their head in emergency cases?

2. Were children considered in reciting these numbers when these numbers were being assigned?

3. Knowing Ghanaians, handys are for flaunting and receiving calls and not for phoning. Parasites as most people are, they will let the phone ring once and hung up when calling someone, implying the receiver should call back for them to beg you for money or whatever they can beg for. Will the police call back when such calls are made to enquire from the caller what could be wrong?

4. Areeba for example, has ripped Ghanaians off so much so that they were able to sell off their business at xxxmillions of $$$$. Couldn't the govt. or Min. of. Communications get any agreement with them in these modern days of investment and development, to issue a 3 figure emergency number for the police force as part of their sustainable development support?

I may be asking too much, but my solution is as simple as this:

I suppose nobody needs a university degree to figure out why a 3 figure number for the police for e.g would be relevant (while we try to forget other issues like hospitals etc). Whoever is in charge of this, should please, kindly see to it that the police gets a 3 figure number that even the blind can call in emergency cases.

Technology is available today, and this technology shouldn't be a problem.

My opinion!

Naana Bray
