07.08.2014 Social & Status

The Phases Of Life

07.08.2014 LISTEN
By Ferdinard Senyo Lawson, BEFFTA Award-Winning Author

The life we all live is in phases and until we are able to identify the various phases or processes we need to go through, we will not be able to live an impactful life and be relevant to our generation. There four phases of life we all need to go through.

Assessment, Planning, Implementing and Evaluation Phases: APIE-P)


The assessment phase is the period when you assess your life and everything around you to determine your next level. For example;

• Your dream/ purpose/ goal/ passions

• Your environment

• Your association

• Your interest

• Your strength

• Your weaknesses

If you fail to assess these at this stage, it will be very difficult for you decide what to do to improve your life. The assessment phase is ongoing throughout your life time.


This phase extends from the assessment you make about your life to determine how your needs, wants and desires in relation to your fulfilment in life can be achieved or met. Planning is very crucial in determining your next level. Life is not lived by chance but by planning and purposeful living.


This part of life process is when you actually put in place or carry out all that you need to do be all that you are placed on this planet earth for. This is based to the assessment you carried about yourself. It is an accurate, up-to-date account of your personal assessment regarding what you are intending or going to do, to bring to pass your dreams. For example, writing that proposal to that company, attending that interview, meeting that client or getting the mentor or a life coach to assist you, birth your dreams and passion.

Having a dream and not implementing it, is equal to self-imprisonment


Evaluation is very possible in the life of every forward moving individual aiming to be significant and relevant in this world. This is the process, by which you sit to analysis or review your life to see if you are living a life of significance or useless life.

This is a personal; choice you do for yourself. Evaluation goes a long way to determine your focus in life. This helps you to actually focus on how your life has been and what you can do to improve upon it next time. Are you happy about the outcomes of your decision and choices in life? If no; then you need to evaluate what you did wrong and correct it.

The Success of your destiny hangs on your ability to evaluate your life.

Life is full surprises and until you evaluate each moment in your life to see the direction at which you are heading, you will get caught up in other things or associations that may not be relevant to your future.

Evaluation is ongoing process of life and leads directly to the assessment phase, planning and implementation phase. Life is in phases and you must endeavour to go through the phases to become all that you are created to be. Never compare your stages of life with another man's.

You are an individual and have specific and unique phases. Step up and Keep Up with your phases of life.

Ferdinard Lawson @ Lifeisinphasses2014
