02.06.2018 Career & Money

Leaving The Office… Part 1

By Kojo Osei-Ghansah
Leaving The Office Part 1
02.06.2018 LISTEN

Let me tell you the story of how I was able to leave the office…

It was scary, It was difficult, it felt strange to actually write a resignation letter and hand it in… knowing that you are giving up a stable source of income…

But I had faith, and a wife who had even more faith than I did…she gave me the “vim” to come home and focus on what I wanted to do… knowing full well that she was expecting a child and all we had was just a dream and about a month’s worth of cash…

6 months ago, I was a shirt and trouser man, working from 8 to 5, Monday to Friday.

To be honest, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. For one, I was sure my chop chop will come at the end of the month, even if it was delayed, it will come eventually. Another thing is, I woke up each day to go to a job, it gives a man some sort of dignity.

But then, here was the downside. I actually worked from about 4am to 8pm for my company, because that’s how much time I actually give to my job, from waking up, commuting to work and coming back. That is about 16 hours of my day, and you know God gave us 24 each. The spread of the time was also such that I will spend the remainder of 8 hours sleeping to prepare for another day of work, so I think its fair to say that I was working 24 hours a day (and so are a lot of people reading this.. Hi.. ) As for weekends.. well its weekend.. sleep some more is all you can do after a week of hard work.

Again, if we are being totally honest, this is way better than being unemployed. Way better. But we will also agree that even for a single man or woman, this is a lot of stress, so you can imagine how that affects a man with a wife and a child, and I had number 2 on the way. It put a lot of pressure on my family, my wife supported me a lot by staying strong and spending all those days alone while I was away working, but I knew it was not fair to have to make her go through that period all by herself.

So I told myself,
you need to do something, use that big head of yours

The obvious solution was to quit that job… but who are we kidding?? Even with the job, life was hard… what will I do without a job?? Yes, my wife and son will get more of me, but at what price?? And its not as if jobs are just walking the streets looking for people…

Or are they?
In my frustration and desperation, I stumbled upon something that changed the course of my life… I cant say forever yet, but so far, so good.

It was more of good luck than anything, I can’t take credit for “finding it”, but I sure as hell jumped on it

and today, I am a “stay at home” husband and father. From my little corner in my living room, I make an honest living to fend for my bosses…

In case you don’t know my bosses.. They are Ramsey and Raphael…

As for Madam, she is the mother of 2 bosses, so you know she get power pass ….hehe

I get to spend 24 hours with my family, some of it working, but all of it at home…

And that too, is why I have finally been able to start my blog…

We will get into the matter of what I stumbled upon in time

you never know, maybe you might be inspired to do something too

End of Part 1
“man is the measure of all things, of those that are, that they are, and of those that are not, that they are not” – Protagoras

Writer- Kojo Osei-Ghansah
Email [email protected]
