14.11.2017 Feature Article

WordDigest: Lessons From Jonah's Attitude (1)

WordDigest: Lessons From Jonah's Attitude 1
14.11.2017 LISTEN

Text: Jonah 1:1-17
God commanded Jonah; "go and preach the word against Nineveh".

Nineveh was a town characterised by wickedness.
But Jonah ran away and got to Tarshish, down to Joppa where he boarded a ship to flee from the Lord.

God sent a violent wind which frightened the sailors.

The sailors cast lots and realised Jonah's attitude of disobedience to God's word caused that mild wind on the sea.

Instantly the sailors threw Jonah into the sea.
And God allowed a whale to swallow Jonah.
Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and nights without any defect.

What we can we learn from this teachings?
1. God has predestined our future.
2. Again God has called us with gifts from the Holy Spirit for His own glory.

3. We have been called in God's kingdom to be a blessing to others.

4. We can decide to ran away from a task at work, home, church, school but cannot hide forever from God.

5. God has a way of correcting His children when they go wayward.

6. God gives second chance to all.
7. We cannot order God.
8. God has a purpose for everyone.
9.Never use God's gift for selfish gains.
10. God is always watching us.
Be empowered.
O Lord God empower me to do your will in Jesus' name, Amen.

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