Fri, 17 Jul 2015 Feature Article

Is Paul Kagame Truly A Messiah?

Is Paul Kagame Truly A Messiah?
17 JUL 2015 LISTEN

J ust some few days ago, over 3.8m people which is almost half of the total voters in Rwanda signed a petition calling for an amendment of Article 101 of their constitution which clearly says “Under no circumstances shall a person hold the office of President of Republic for more than two terms”.

Notwithstanding this clear and unambiguous provision, Parliamentarians in Rwanda have also voted to support changes in the constitution that would allow President Paul Kagame to stand for a third term. There is no doubt that Paul Kagame has been an outstanding and peace loving leader who has contributed greatly to economic changes,but is that a yardstick for a constitutional amendment? There are many questions the people of Rwanda have to answer.

Firstly, are they going to change the three term limit to two terms after Paul Kagame term is over? Will the constitution still provide for the three terms in the case of a failed and clueless leader? If President Paul Kagame is an outstanding leader and deserves a third term, can we predict the same qualities for the next president? I believe the people of Rwanda know what is best for them.

Constitutions are of course written and approved by the people and can be amended by the people. But Rwandans must be very careful because constitutions are meant for posterity and not for immediate or short term adventures. Rwanda must be very careful; a similar move by President Pierre Nkurunziza in Burundi provoked violent protest and killed almost 70 innocent people. The same can be said about Burkina Faso.

The 1994 genocide which killed over 800,000 people should be areminder to the people of Rwanda. The failure of great African leaders to hand over power smoothly could endanger their achievements. Until the rotten tooth is removed, the mouth must always chew with caution. Rwandans have a rotten tooth and they must learn to chew their democracy with caution. But if indeed, they think Paul Kagame is the sole Messiah of Rwanda then he should be allowed to rule forever; after all Kola nut lasts long in the mouth of those who value it. God bless Africa. “We are not children of a lesser god”.

Ntenhene Felix
( [email protected] )
