Sun, 26 May 2024 Article

Democracy Under Siege: The Threat of Civil War in Ghana

By Moses Deyegbe Kuvoame & Jacob Isaka
Democracy Under Siege: The Threat of Civil War in Ghana

In the heart of Ghana, a nation once celebrated for its democratic spirit and credentials, a shadow now looms large. The ruling NPP government, which ascended to power in 2017 through the democratic process, is bent on undermining the very principles that brought it to office. This betrayal of democracy, through political violence and intimidation, threatens to plunge our country into chaos, risking the peace and stability we have long cherished. The exacerbation of political violence, vigilantism and intimidation under the Akufo Addo led NPP government

undermines the consolidation of democracy in the country and might result in civil war.

The Democratic Process at Risk
When the current government took over the reins of power in 2017, it did so on the wings of democratic promise, heralding an era of hope and progress. Yet, as we approach another critical election on December 7, 2024, this promise has turned into a nightmare for many. The President of Ghana, Nana Akufo Addo and key personalities within the ruling NPP party have openly declared their intent to cling to power at all costs, disregarding the will of the people. The opposition NDC party, poised to win the impending elections, finds its supporters targeted and silenced through intimidation and violence perpetrated by NPP vigilante groups.

Political pundits in Ghana and abroad have long observed the troubling phenomenon of political violence and vigilantism during parliamentary and by-elections in the country. These issues, often attributed to the winner-takes-all nature of our electoral system and clientelism, have

historically remained at relatively low levels. However, under the current ruling NPP government, these incidents have not only increased but have reached alarming new heights.

For the first time in our nation’s history, the President, who is the Head of State, Head of

Government, and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, and other prominent figures within the ruling NPP have publicly declared their intention to never cede power to the opposition NDC party. This unprecedented stance signals a dangerous shift away from democratic norms and threatens to destabilize our political landscape further.

The implications of this are profound. NPP's overt declaration undermines the very essence of democratic elections, which are predicated on the peaceful transfer of power based on the will of the people. By rejecting this fundamental principle, the current regime is steering the country towards a path of intensified conflict and division.

The escalation of violence we have witnessed under President Akufo Addo’s misadministration and the declaration to entrench their power and rule by any means necessary mark a disturbing departure from the relative political stability we have known. It is a clarion call for immediate

action to safeguard our democracy and prevent the descent into greater turmoil.

Compromised Electoral and Judicial Systems
The foundation of any democracy is a fair and impartial electoral process. Sadly, our Electoral Commission, once a bastion of integrity, has been compromised. The watchdogs of our democracy have turned into lapdogs of the ruling NPP party, overseeing a system rigged to favour the ruling NPP government. This betrayal has not gone unnoticed. The stench of

corruption permeates our judicial system and security agencies, institutions that should safeguard our rights and freedoms.

In tandem with increasing political violence in Ghana is the increasing erosion of Justice and Rule of Law. In Ghana today, the rule of law has become a casualty of political expediency.

Courts that once stood as pillars of justice now serve as instruments of repression and injustice. Citizens seeking justice are met with indifference or outright hostility, their pleas drowned out by the machinery of corruption and political influence. Other institutions such as the National Commission for Civic Education, CHRAJ, and the Peace Council have lost their moral authority and legitimacy in the eyes of many Ghanaians. This erosion of trust in our institutions fuels a dangerous discontent among the populace, particularly the youth, who see their future being stolen.

Our beloved country stands at a precipice. The palpable disaffection among the youth and broader populace has not yet boiled over into open rebellion. This disaffection is held in check by the hope that democracy will prevail in the forthcoming elections and the opposition NDC party will win to rectify the deplorable situation in which Ghanaians find themselves. However, should the ruling party subvert the electoral process like they did in 2020, the resulting

frustration could easily erupt into violence. For a nation that has never known civil war, this is an ominous prospect.

A Call to Action
The international community and local stakeholders must act swiftly to avert disaster. Pressure must be brought to bear on the ruling NPP government to respect the democratic process and the will of the people. Independent observers must be allowed to monitor the forthcoming

elections to ensure they are free and fair. The compromised institutions must be reformed to restore public trust and uphold the rule of law.

In the words of Nelson Mandela, "There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires." Ghana stands in that valley today. It is incumbent upon us all to ensure that our journey does not end in darkness but in the light of true democracy and lasting peace.

The time for action is now. We must stand united against the forces of repression and violence that we are witnessing under the Akufo Addo misgovernance. We must do everything necessary to uphold the democratic values that define us as a nation. The world is watching, and history will judge us by the choices we make in this critical hour. Let us choose wisely, for the future of Ghana hangs in the balance.

Dr Moses Deyegbe Kuvoame || Secretary, NDC Norway.

Jacob Isaka || Chairman, NDC Norway.
