
MTN, Engage Now Africa partnership transform lives through vocational training

Social News MTN, Engage Now Africa partnership transform lives through vocational training

The lives of hundreds of individuals who benefited from a vocational training initiative put together by MTN and Engage Now Africa have been transformed.

Ghana’s leading telecommunication network in June 2023 partnered with Engage Now Africa during the annual 21 Days of Y'ello Care geared towards ‘Empowering entrepreneurs to unlock growth and job creation for communities’.

The focus of the initiative was to leverage digital and financial tools and skills as enablers to unlock growth for grassroots-based entrepreneurs.


Over 21 days, the collaborative efforts successfully trained over 500 individuals, including 200 youth, 200 women, and 100 persons with disability.

This showcased the program's effectiveness in reaching a substantial number of individuals seeking to enhance their skills and prospects as well as digital and financial literacy.

Through the training, the over 1000 beneficiaries were empowered with practical skills across various vocations, reflecting both organizations' shared commitment to community development.

Less than a year after the training, the collaboration between MTN and Engage Now Africa has yielded impressive results.

An assessment of the training has revealed that approximately 65% [over 600] of the learners or students actively apply the skills acquired during the training sessions.

Over 50% of those unemployed before the 21 days of training have begun their micro-businesses, especially in producing Liquid Soap, Bleach, and Disinfectant (floor cleaner).

In addition, more than 30% of the beneficiaries now market their selling products using various social media handles to attract more customers to their businesses.

This practical utilisation of the skills acquired through the training underscores the real-world impact of the program on the lives of beneficiaries.

This aligns with the continuous drive towards the core belief that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life.

Success story of Christiana Agyei:
Christiana Agyei’s journey with MTN’s 21-day Y’ello Care is a testament to the transformative power of the training. Before joining the training, Christiana, a single mother of 3, faced financial struggles and limited employment opportunities.

She had or received no income but depended on family members and friends for little financial support for herself and her kids. However, she acquired the necessary skills to start her own soap-making business through the comprehensive training Engage Now Africa and MTN provided.

With newfound knowledge from MTN and financial support from Engage Now Africa, Christiana was provided with a “start-up package” in the form of purchases of all needed soap/floor cleaner/softener-making materials and tools to equip her to commence her business with immediate effect.


Today, Christiana has a thriving enterprise and makes weekly sales of GHS400.00. Her soap-making business fulfills her family’s needs and employs individuals within the Kasoa community. Through her success, Christiana has become a beacon of inspiration, showcasing the significant impact that skills training can have on individuals and communities.

Christiana’s journey exemplifies the positive changes the Y’ello training has brought to people’s lives. It has empowered individuals like Christiana to break free from financial constraints, create sustainable livelihoods, and contribute to local economic growth.

She has impacted the lives of her 3 children and 2 employees she works with. Christiana is indirectly impacting over 10 individuals and families with her new business.

She is grateful to MTN and Engage Now Africa for the role played in her success.

‘’Thank you to MTN and Engage Now Africa for making me a happy and independent woman,” Christiana Agyei said.


The significant impact in the life of Christian Agyei and the hundreds of others is testament that the collaborative effort between MTN and Engage Now Africa has yielded tangible results, reflecting a commitment to social responsibility and community empowerment.

The success of this joint initiative underscores the potential for positive change when organizations unite for a common course.

The collaboration's impact extends beyond direct participants; with an average household size of 3.4, the training has indirectly impacted over 1,700 individuals and families.

This ripple effect emphasises the broader positive influence on communities, aligning with the shared goals of both MTN and Engage Now Africa.

Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

JournalistPage: EricNanaYawKwafo
