Fri, 24 May 2024 Social News

GSA Deputy Director caught in age-cheating scandal

  Fri, 24 May 2024
Deputy Director Generals, Bernard Mensah Akoto-AmpawDeputy Director Generals, Bernard Mensah Akoto-Ampaw

In a shocking revelation that has sent ripples through the corridors of the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA), one of its deputy Director Generals, Bernard Mensah Akoto-Ampaw, has been implicated in an age-cheating scandal.

The intricate scheme, allegedly to circumvent national retirement regulations, revealed that Akoto-Ampaw may have shaved two years off his true age to outsmart authorities such as the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) and the Passport Office.

New Crusading GUIDE gathered from the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) damning evidence that contradicts what is supposed to be the official records of Mr Akoto-Ampaw.

It was discovered that Akoto-Ampaw, hailing from Hohoe, was actually born on May 6, 1963, as documented in his application to Mfantsipim School during his sixth form years. His index number was 01130018.

Despite attending Mawuli Secondary School between 1974 and 1977, his birth year mysteriously changed to 1965 on his Ghanaian passport and SSNIT records, a discrepancy that raised eyebrows and suspicions.

The trail of deception extended further as it came to light that Akoto-Ampaw, known for his confrontational demeanor within the GSA and alleged disrespect towards the Board Chairman, had also misled the Public Services Commission.

His curriculum vitae submitted for his GSA appointment conveniently listed 1965 as his birth year, contradicting the concrete evidence from his earlier educational pursuits.

The falsehoods woven allegedly by Akoto-Ampaw underscore a troubling pattern of deceit and manipulation that has tarnished his professional reputation.

Meanwhile, attempts to reach Mr. Akoto Ampaw to react to the allegation proved futile as his number could not be reached.

Stay tuned...
Source: New Crusading GUIDE
