
Rotimi Onadipe advises youth against consequences of cyber crimes

  Fri, 24 May 2024
Cybercrime Rotimi Onadipe advises youth against consequences of cyber crimes

In an effort to curb the increasing involvement of youths in cyber crimes and internet abuse, Rotimi Onadipe, the publisher of Internet Safety Magazine, has urged young people to consider the serious consequences of engaging in such activities.

Speaking on Saturday at the Internet Safety Magazine office in Ibadan during a program he initiated to find lasting solutions to online risks, especially among youths, Onadipe stressed the importance of awareness about the repercussions of cyber crimes. He warned that engaging in these activities would ultimately cause more harm than good.

He said, "My dear youths, I want you to understand that there is nothing beneficial about being a cyber criminal. Involvement in cyber crimes can ruin your life or even lead to an untimely death. Please don't let this happen to you."

"Resist the temptation to engage in these acts at all costs. Wealth obtained through cyber crimes is fleeting, and anyone who defrauds others will inevitably face consequences, regardless of the amount involved."

"The repercussions can be severe because divine disapproval follows those who acquire wealth through deceit. When you lose God's favor, your life becomes miserable, no matter your status. So, always think about the consequences," Onadipe concluded.
