
A Psychologist's Counsel: Defiance In Democracy - An Urgent Appeal To The Tinubu Administration: Heed This Warning, Protest Voices Cannot Be Silenced

Feature Article A Psychologist's Counsel: Defiance In Democracy - An Urgent Appeal To The Tinubu Administration: Heed This Warning, Protest Voices Cannot Be Silenced
MAR 9, 2024 LISTEN

Dear esteemed leaders of the Tinubu administration,

As an impassioned advocate for democracy and justice, I address you today with a plea that resonates deeply within the hearts of countless Nigerians across our great nation. The impending national protest orchestrated by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) serves as both a testament to our democratic freedoms and a poignant reminder of the pressing issues that weigh heavily upon our collective conscience.

In the tapestry of democracy, the right to peaceful assembly stands as a sacred thread, intricately woven into the fabric of our society. It is a fundamental expression of our liberty, our unity, and our unwavering commitment to effecting positive change. While I acknowledge the necessity of lawful limitations, imposed to safeguard public safety and uphold the rule of law, I implore you to recognize the inherent nobility of the cause driving this forthcoming protest.

As a psychologist deeply committed to the well-being and democratic values of our nation, I address you today with a plea that resonates deeply within the hearts of countless Nigerians across our great nation. The impending national protest orchestrated by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) serves as both a testament to our democratic freedoms and a poignant reminder of the pressing issues that weigh heavily upon our collective conscience.

At its core, this movement transcends mere dissent; it embodies the hopes, the dreams, and the aspirations of millions who yearn for a brighter tomorrow. It is fueled not by malice or strife but by a profound sense of duty to our fellow citizens and a steadfast belief in the transformative power of collective action.

As custodians of our nation's destiny, I beseech you to embrace the principles of democracy with open hearts and open minds. Let not the shadows of past injustices cloud your vision or tarnish your legacy. Instead, let the beacon of progress illuminate your path, guiding you towards a future defined by inclusivity, compassion, and respect for human dignity.

It's paramount to acknowledge that the current economic turmoil stems from deeply ingrained issues rooted in recent history. Blaming Tinubu solely for these challenges is unjust. However, amid these complexities, the ongoing protests demand sincere attention and respect. With Tinubu's administration at the helm, it's crucial to heed the grievances of protestors without resorting to violence, arrests, or fatalities, particularly when demonstrations remain peaceful. Tinubu's own words underscore the need for critical self-assessment to rejuvenate the economy. Our foremost duty lies with the people of this nation, encompassing diverse demographics such as students, parents, farmers, traders, and beyond, recognizing our shared reliance on finite resources.

Yet, the Nigerian government often falls back on outdated methods, cautioning against protests citing potential criminal infiltration. However, such antiquated tactics hold waning influence in our interconnected global landscape. Nigeria's standing in the international community subjects it to constant scrutiny, with influential nations and global organizations closely monitoring governmental responses to dissent. The likes of the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and the United Nations aren't mere bystanders; they actively observe how the Tinubu administration manages dissent. Any attempts to suppress peaceful protests, even under the guise of judicial orders, resonate poorly on the global stage and jeopardize Nigeria's reputation as a bastion of democratic principles and human rights.

President Tinubu, recall your days as a student in America, where democratic ideals shaped your worldview. I urge you to resist the allure of authoritarianism and division. Avoid employing covert tactics meant to silence dissent or sow discord among our people. Instead, lead with integrity, promoting transparency, accountability, and dialogue as the pillars of effective governance.

Recent revelations regarding potential plans by elements within the Tinubu government to disrupt peaceful protests are deeply troubling. It has come to light that preparations have been made to suppress these rallies nationwide, with the Nigeria Civil Society Forum (NCSF) emerging as a concerning player in this development. This covert group, purportedly representing civil society interests, has allegedly been co-opted and weaponized by certain factions within the government to stifle dissent and perpetrate violence against advocates for change. I urge caution and restraint in addressing these matters.

NCSF, seemingly a pawn in a larger scheme of oppression, is funded, promoted, and controlled by the very institutions entrusted with safeguarding citizens' rights and liberties. Their agenda appears to be clear: to silence opposition, suppress dissent, and uphold the status quo at any cost. While I cannot confirm the veracity of these allegations, such actions could ultimately backfire.

Furthermore, the use of sponsored thugs by successive governments, as well as by police and security agencies, to incite violence and then blame peaceful protesters for it, will not succeed this time. The people are increasingly aware of these tactics, and they will not be deceived. It is essential for the government to recognize the power of peaceful protest and to address the legitimate grievances of the people without resorting to violence or manipulation.

It is imperative that the State understands that the solution to our dire economic situation and widespread hunger cannot be found in the suppression of peaceful dissent or the use of violence against those exercising their democratic rights. History has shown that such tactics only deepen divisions and exacerbate the suffering of the people. The cries of hunger and economic hardship cannot be silenced by tear gas or bullets; they must be addressed through genuine dialogue and concerted efforts to enact meaningful change.

In the context of the upcoming protests, it's essential for Tinubu and his administration to tread carefully. However, it's crucial to recognize that Nigeria presents a unique political landscape, and the dynamics here differ significantly from those in other African nations. While reports of the Presidential Guards Brigade being placed on high alert have emerged, especially considering the recent spate of coups in Africa, my point is that there is no need for this type of exaggeration. Despite the economic challenges and the potential for unrest, Tinubu must heed the voices of the protestors. In fact, attempting a coup in Nigeria is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, rather than resorting to authoritarian measures or instilling psychological fear, it's imperative to address the issues at hand. The pain and hunger experienced by the people are too much to ignore. Listening to the grievances expressed through these protests and acknowledging them as legitimate channels for dialogue and change is paramount.

In the annals of history, let it be recorded that your administration stood on the side of justice, of liberty, and of the people. Let it be said that you heeded the cries of the marginalized, the downtrodden, and the oppressed, extending a hand of solidarity and support in their hour of need.

My plea to you is not merely a cry for justice—it is a fervent prayer for reconciliation, for understanding, and for the restoration of faith in our democratic institutions. For when we stand united in pursuit of a common purpose, there is no obstacle too great, no challenge too daunting to overcome.

Tinubu administration, you must take this warning to heart, for your government cannot quell every voice. Remember the words of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), who steadfastly declare their readiness to defend their rights: "if we are attacked there will be a total shutdown via withdrawal of services by workers. Let no one be deceived, we and other deprived Nigerians cannot easily be intimidated.

In conclusion, I urge you to heed the clarion call of history, to seize this moment as an opportunity to reaffirm your commitment to the ideals that define us as a nation. For in the crucible of adversity, true leadership is forged, and the bonds of solidarity are strengthened.

In the face of this assault on our fundamental rights, as a psychologist and concerned citizen, I stand in solidarity with those advocating for peaceful protest. The right to assemble and express grievances is a cornerstone of democracy and must be respected and protected by the government.

I implore the State to reconsider its approach and focus on finding solutions to the grievances of the people, rather than resorting to further repression and violence. The path to progress lies in listening to the voices of the marginalized and disenfranchised, not in silencing them through force.

As the drumbeats of oppression grow louder, I urge the administration to uphold democratic principles and ensure the safety and security of all citizens exercising their rights.


Psychologist John Egbeazien Oshodi

Professor John Egbeazien Oshodi, born in Uromi, Edo State, Nigeria, is an American-based police and prison scientist, forensic psychologist, and legal psychologist. He’s a government advisor on forensic-clinical psychological services in the USA and the founder of the Dr. John Egbeazien Oshodi Foundation for Psychological Health. With a significant role in introducing forensic psychology to Nigeria through N.U.C. and Nasarawa State University, he’s also a former Secretary-General of the Nigeria Psychological Association. He’s taught at esteemed institutions like Florida Memorial University, Florida International University, Nova Southeastern University, and more, and is currently an online faculty member at Weldios University, Nexus International University, and Walden University. [email protected]
