
Take immediate action against those seen beating alleged gay student on campus — CDD-Ghana to UG management

Social News A file photo of the University of Ghana campus
A file photo of the University of Ghana campus

The Center for Democratic Development Ghana (CDD-Ghana) has called on management of the University of Ghana to take immediate action against students seen in a video beating and stripping an alleged gay student on campus.

In a statement seen by this portal, CDD-Ghana condemned the "barbaric" incident and sharing of videos on social media.

"The Center demands that the university authorities take immediate action to bring to book the perpetrators who physically abused, stripped naked, and paraded this individual around the campus while violating his right to dignity," said part of CDD-Ghana’s statement.

The group said the attack violated the victim's fundamental human rights under Ghana's constitution as well as the university's code of conduct.

"Without prejudice to the application of the national laws by the University, no junior member of the University shall engage in a course of vexatious conduct that is directed at one or more specific individuals, and that is based on the race, ancestry, place of birth, origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, sex, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, creed, age, marital status, family status Of the individual or those individuals that are known to be unwelcomed," the statement further noted.

CDD-Ghana called on authorities to investigate the "barbaric incident" and bring perpetrators to book, while also providing medical and psychological support to the victim.

"The University of Ghana must act now!" it demanded.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
