Fri, 05 Jan 2024 General News

2024 election: We need to keep military away from the frontline – Adam Bonaa

Security Analyst Adam BonaaSecurity Analyst Adam Bonaa

Security analyst, Adam Bonaa has indicated that it is important to keep the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) away from the 2024 General Election.

He opines that although the military should always be on standby, they should not be seen following Members of Parliament and terrorizing voters.

“We need to keep our military away from the frontline when it comes to elections in this country. I am happy the security heads met recently to put together some guidelines on the elections.

“The military should always be on standby and not be following DCE’s and MCE’s and members of Parliament around and terrorizing citizens, that is not the work of the military. That is what gives some of us cause for concern,” Adam Bonaa said in an interview with Starr FM.

In his submission, he bemoaned how more than five people were killed during the 2020 General Election without justice.

“What happened in 2020 were citizens died, some military were used here and there. In the District Assembly Elections some DCEs and MCEs and MP’s few of them used military men to intimidate citizens,” the security analyst bemoaned.

His concern comes following a meeting between President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and Heads of Security agencies at Jubilee House on January 2.

Despite the allegation that the meeting was part of a plot by the President to use the military to brutalise citizens on December 7 general elections, a release from the Presidency has stressed that the allegations are false.

In the release, President Akufo-Addo assured Ghanaians that the 2024 General Election will not only be free and fair but devoid of violence.

Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

JournalistPage: EricNanaYawKwafo
