Sun, 12 Nov 2023 Feature Article

Africans Must Defend The Institution of The Family

Africans Must Defend The Institution of The Family

African cosmology teaches that we reincarnate, but it is very clear that we only come back through our own species, and even only through our race. This is why there are names like Babatunde (father has returned) or Iyatunji (mother reincarnates). This is why you must build generational wealth and prepare for your returning in the next generations.

This truth is known in all secret occult elite groups (Masons, Brahmans, etc). They only teach the masses the lie that they reincarnate outside of their race so that the masses don't secure power of their race in the future.

The myth of reincarnating into different races or species was created by the "Aryan-Indians" invaders of South Asia to convince the Black Dravidians that they do not need to protect or empower their race, but could reincarnate into a higher caste/race in the next life. It is because they believe this nonsense, Black Dravidians gave up protecting their future and have been slaves to Aryan-Indians for nearly 3,000 years.

Similarly, modern African-Descendants prefer the Aryan-Indian reincarnation myth because they would rather fantasize about escaping the African race in the next life than improve the African race for the next life. This is the same sort of escapist after-life mythology that Christians give when they claim you can escape the world in heaven or paradise.

Like it or not, our ancestors did not teach reincarnation as a trans-species or trans-racial phenomena nor did they teach a false escape like "heaven." You were an African-Descendent in your previous life and will be again in your next life. There is no heaven in the clouds for you to escape to. You will NEVER ESCAPE YOUR AFRICANNESS on Earth. It is because of this truth that you must commit yourself to improving your race. You will come back in it again and again and again.

It is crucial that you do not assume Asian reincarnation beliefs to be equivalent to the Afrakan reincarnation concept.

Firstly, no Afrakan culture considers reincarnation to be trans-species. This conflicts greatly with Asian mythology, which foolishly believes humans, chickens, ants, pigs, etc, all can reincarnate betweeen each other. Not only does Afrakan reincarnation limit human reincarnation to human species, but it limits it to the race. In other words, an Afrakan cannot reincarnate into an Asian or European, and vice versa. Why?

Because reincarnation is not simply a spiritual act, but a genetic act, similar to lineage. You have to possess close genes to the person you reincarnate to. In fact, that is the purpose of genes having codes; they are identifiers for the spirits to locate their next body after life. Of course, you don't have to have too close of genes and be actual family members, but close enough that you can physically pass for relatives (i.e, a person of your race).

It is important you realize this concept that reincarnation is limited to race is not "my opinion" on reincarnation, but the definition described in African systems, particularly the Yoruba. In fact, the majority of Afrakan spiritual systems don't just limit it to race but suggest that reincarnation only cycles within someone's extended family. In other words, you will not only be unable to reincarnate into another race, you can't even reincarnate into another family clan.

The African concept of reincarnation was taken to India from Afrakan Twa migration. However, when the Namu (misnamed Aryans) invaded India, they altered the religious beliefs into caste systems and purposely twisted the concept of reincarnation. They wanted the Dravidians to believe that they could reincarnate into higher castes (brahmins/beige Aryans). This way, the Dravidians stopped resisting the Aryan colonization, imagining that they don't need to keep fighting because they could simply become Aryan in the next life if they were obedient to Aryan religion.

As Eurasians, the Namu (Aryans) control people through fear. While the Greco-Christians use the myth of "hell," the Namu used the myth of animal reincarnation; suggesting that disobedience to the Hindu Brahmin authority could result in you becoming an animal and losing humanity.

As a myth of escapism, the Buddhists then suggest that if you are good you can escape reincarnation entirely.

However the Odu Ifa (Yoruba sacred text) is the most detailed account of reincarnation in Afraka and it is clear that reincarnation cannot be escaped. This is because in Afrakan spirituality, the a race's spirit is not an individual but a collective. Therefore, everyone reincarnates until EVERYONE of your race has reached enlightenment.

The note here is that all people (good and bad) reincarnate. Some will ask, then where is the "reward" or "punishment" if everyone still reincarnates? Afrakans don't create a fake heaven in the sky or fake hell in the abyss. For Afrakans, the "reward or punishment" is right here on Earth.

For Afrakans, being a good person is not if you follow ten commandments in a book; but about how hard you worked to improve the conditions of your people. Thus, if you did this in this life, your reward is that when you reincarnate, your people will be in a better position. If you did not work to improve your people, then when you reincarnate, your people will still be weak.

The European understands this very well, which is why they operate based on generational wealth. They are steadily improving the condition of their people and future generations. Meanwhile, they sell you a myth called Christianity that they don't even practice so that you can pursue heaven in the sky and neglect your future generation reincarnation.

So let me make it clearer for those of you who don't read well: If you are Afrakan today it is only because you were Afrakan in the past life. You will be Afrakan forever.

The only "escape" from reincarnation is if your children have equal or more non-Afrakan genes and they mate with someone even less Afrakan than them. Then your spirit will have no home to reincarnate into and live in a void. In other words, if your children are mulatto, the only way you will reincarnate into your great grandchildren is if your children mate with people more Afrakan than them. If they continue to mate only with other mulattos or non-Afrakans, then the non-Afrakan gene will dominate and a non-African will reincarnate thru their line. However, if a mulatto were to--for example Obama's mating with Michelle--mate with someone more Afrakan than them, then the Afrakan reincarnation process continues thru them.

Your only option for "hell or heaven" is based on how committed you are to improving the conditions for the Afrakan race today. If you work for your people, you increase the chances that your people will be strong when you reincarnate in the future. If you don't work for your people--but continue to give all your money to Eurasians and send your children to them to be miseducated--then you will reincarnate into a world where your people are in the same weak condition. That is your hell.

Based on African reincarnation concept regarding genetics, how do Minoans (mixed African-Europeans) fit in the scheme? What about people who cannot bare children?

The term Minoan is being used here in place of "mulatto" because it offends some, but unfortunately these people have not created a term for themselves. Terms like "mixed" are too vague and can mean a person of mixed Japanese and Russian blood, which has no meaning for this discussion. For this reason, I will use the term Minoans to refer specifically to half-African and half-European people. The term derives from the Minoan civilization (ancient Crete), which was founded by African men who brought civilization to Europe when they married Greek-Turk women in the Aegean.

So now that we have an appropriate term for these people, how do the Minoans fit in African genetic reincarnation?

Firstly, the spirit that reincarnates is called the Akh. It requires similar genetics for it to incarnate a new body. It looks first for an extended family member, but can expand its search to within the ethnic group or race if it shares at least 51% kinship.

Therefore a Minoan person can reincarnate as African but if and only if they mate with a person with more African blood than they (51 percent or more). A Minoan cannot prefer to mate only with other Minoans (lightskin4lightskin mentality) and then want to claim African. Their progeny must have more African blood than non-African, to allow the Minoan re-entrance into the African cycle of reincarnation. An example of this is Obama, who will reincarnate as African despite his half European ancestry because he mated with someone more genetically African than he and his children are therefore African dominant genetically.

Likewise, if a Minoan mates with someone European, then their progeny will not be sufficiently African to allow reincarnation. Someone like Meghan Markle for example, pursued the Europeanization of her progeny and will thus not be able to reincarnate as African.

Even a person who is Mycenean (a more respectful term for a Quadroon, which was the historical racial make up of the earliest Greek citystates) can reincarnate as African. But then they have to mate with someone 76% African in order for their 25% African blood to allow their progeny to be genetically African dominant.

Basically if you are Minoan or even Mycenean, you don't have to feel outcasted from Africans as long as you mate African. But you can't be half European and expect to mate European and still claim your progeny as African. Sorry it just doesn't work that way.

This is NOT about political correctness, but just the mathematical nature of spiritual biology which the Kemetyu called Akh Khepera; the reincarnation process of the Akh.

Because the akh cannot die nor can two akhs share the same body they wish to reincarnate into, your akh becomes a "servant" to the akh that has access to the body due to race compatibility. However, this "servitude" can be seen as more of an ally if you have purposely intended it.

Thus, while an African can never reincarnate into a European, thru generational intermixture they can become a spiritual servant of the European that controls their progeny's body. As you know, there are many of our race who wish to be Europoid and thus there are many African akhs who mixed with other races and are happily serving their European progeny who now appears purely European.

Likewise, those Europeans who wish to be African can never directly become one, but they can mate with an African and if their children mates African as well, the European will be granted a role as an ally servant for the African in their progeny's body. In this way, the European's akh can help their African progeny to reverse all the evil the Europeans did in the world. Believe it or not, there are some (though very few) Europeans today so disgusted with their ancestors' behavior, that they will do this in order to help the African cause.

Part II: How do Childless people reincarnate if they bore no children?

The Odu Ifa is clear that there is no person who is so baren that they cannot have children. There are always children who have no parents and childless adults are intended to mind these lost children. Thus, being a spiritual parent to a person is equal to a biological parent in the eyes of Ma'at and Khepera, the deities who designed the entire reincarnation system. Remember, the akh is a spirit and thus it recognizes SPIRITUAL parenting even more than biological parenting.

Thus, if you don't have biological children, you have no need to worry. Your akh will be able to reincarnate thru the progeny of the child you cared for like a parent as long as the child is genetically similar (i.e., of the same race). This does not require actually adopting the child, but being a mentor that the child can rely on is sufficient.

The catch to this is that while Amen-Ra Olodumare doesn't demand all people to have children in order to reincarnate, you cannot escape the responsibility all adults have to help raise the community's children, especially a neglected child. As a reward, a childless person who raises a parentless child becomes the akh (reincarnating spirit) for that child's future generations. As a punishment, a parent who neglects their child relinquishes their akh's power to reincarnate in their child, allowing the space to be available for someone else. Unless you are killed while your child is young, Ma'at does not entertain any other excuse (financial hardship, "I wasn't ready," the "white man," etc) for why you neglected your child. You lose your role in their akh, period.

Thus you see that the reincarnation system that Ma'at and Khepera designed is not just about reincarnation, but is a way to reinforce parental devotion in society, even for those who cannot biologically have children. It is also a system that reinforces devotion to one's community and race.

Why would the Creator be concerned with race to even use it as guidelines in reincarnation? For the same reason that the Creator is concerned with family. A race is simply the mega family of a people. The Creator wants each family to be strong and to do this by making their race (mega family) strong.

But of course, the Creator is not a racist. The goal is not to be so strong that you destroy the other races. No, the goal is that once each race is equally strong, THEN they can unite. But a strong race and weak race cannot unite, just like a strong family and weak family cannot. Unity requires equality. But equality is not a speech or a vote or a bill; equality is only established when both parties are too powerful to subjugate the other. That is the equality of the races that Amen-Ra Olodumare sees as the goal and the reason for His race-based reincarnation strategy so that the races are empowered first separately to allow them to then unite equally.

Give thanks to MaTseba.
Edward Mitole, PhD
Professor of Development Studies and Dean of Faculty of African Renaissance Studies at the University of the African Diaspora (USOAD)

Edward Mitole, PhD
Edward Mitole, PhD, © 2023

Dr Edward Mitole, Professor of Development Studies at the University of the State of the African Diaspora (USOAD) and Founder & Chair of the African Renaissance Project (ARP). More Edward Mitole is the most powerful proponent of the African Liberation Movement today, as well as the foremost black political thinker of our time. He is a speaker, activist, theoretician and organizer of campaigns such as “The Curriculum Must Fall” and "Africa Unite".

Following in the footsteps of previous black leaders such as Marcus Garvey, Kwame Nkrumah, Mangaliso Sobukwe, Patrice Lumumba and Malcolm X, Edward Mitole points to a positive future for the African Continent through the slogan made famous by the Garvey Movement of the 1920s, “Africa for Africans, at home and abroad.” He sends a bold message, calling on African people worldwide to unite their homeland, liberate their people and dispense with colonial borders that continue to divide and oppress.
Column: Edward Mitole, PhD

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