
'OccupyJulorbi House' demo is to show African countries that Ghana’s democracy is resolute, we don’t like coups – Oliver

Headlines 'OccupyJulorbi House' demo is to show African countries that Ghanas democracy is resolute, we dont like coups  Oliver

Convener of Democracy Hub, Osagyefo Oliver Barker-Vormawor has indicated that regardless of the court action initiated by the Ghana Police Service to stop its protest, the demonstration will come off as planned on Thursday, September 21.

Democracy Hub which is an institutional arm of pressure group #FixTheCountry has planned to march to the Jubilee House tomorrow to kick off a three-day protest.

In a release from the Ghana Police Service today, it disclosed that an application has been filed at the court and successfully served the organisers of Democracy Hub in connection with the group’s planned demonstration at the Jubilee House.

While the Police awaits the decision of the court, it has urged Ghanaians not to partake in the protest.

Speaking to Citi News this evening, Osagyefo Oliver Barker-Vormawor said the group’s attention has been drawn to the court action taken by the Police on social media but its protest will go ahead as planned.

He explained that the motive behind the protest was to wake the youth to demand accountability from the government.

“This is the fight for the soul of the country. The soul that the country has lost and we are led by persons that do not have integrity. It’s a wake-up call to a generation that is slumbering and sleeping on its duty. So much has gone wrong in our country and we are calling on Ghanaians to remember their duty of citizenship to fight what we are calling moral decay around us. This is what the demonstration is about,” Osagyefo Oliver Barker-Vormawor explained.

He said the Democratic Hub and its followers will march to the frontage of the Jubilee House, sit there and draw attention to some of the problems facing the country.

He added that the protest is also to show other African countries that Ghanaians embrace democracy and do not subscribe to coups.

“We are going to show up tomorrow and we will continue to picket. The plan is that it’s a 3-day picket. The idea is to show other countries in the subregion that Ghanaian democracy is resolute, that we don’t want to follow the barbaric action that is going on in other countries when governments are being overthrown unconstitutionally,” Osagyefo Oliver Barker-Vormawor added.

Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

JournalistPage: EricNanaYawKwafo
