
Continue to shape the lives of future generations

Feature Article Continue to shape the lives of future generations

The Anglican Igbo Church of the Holy Trinity, London, England celebrated Fathers’ Day on Sunday 2 July 2023. Because it is the only Igbo Church in all of London, Igbo people from near and distant parts of the metropolis gathered there to honour fathers today. But not only fathers were present. The children and their mothers and grandmothers were there also, to grace the occasion. It was a moving occasion that apparently diverted from the old tradition of focusing on fathers alone. This time, the emphasis was on the importance of not only fathers but more impressively, the family as the foundation of society.

Taking his sermon from St John’s Gospel Chapter 2, the Rev. Chibuzor Okpala spoke extensively on the role of fathers in the traditional Christian family. The story for his sermon was that on the third day, a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there. Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. Somewhere along the line, the wine got finished. The servers complained and Jesus’ mother said to him: “They have no more wine.”

Jesus replied: “Woman why do you involve me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants: “Do whatever he tells you.”

Six stone water jars stood nearby, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons. Then, Jesus said to the servants: “Fill the jars with water.” So they filled them to the brim. Jesus told them: “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.”

They did so, and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside and said: “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.” What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory. And his disciples believed in him.

Rev. Okpala emphasized that in that miracle Jesus performed, Christians should recognize that those jars symbolized their hearts and the water poured into them, the word of God. He admonished not only fathers but the entire family to always put the word of God in their hearts and ceaselessly pray together because families that prayed together were always more bonded than those that did not. He said it was wrong for Christians to believe that only love could sustain their marriages, even in times of trouble or need. He explained that a marriage that was not predicated on the laws of God was bound to flounder. Marriage should also be based on trust. Both father and mother should always trust each other, especially as that trust would help them mould the characters of their children.

Rev. Okpala said that God gave Adam a helper, not a house maid. He frowned at men who had a proclivity to turn their wives into maids and reminded them that such behaviour was definitely going to send the wrong signals to their children and their neighbourhood. He gave an example of when a wife asked her husband to kindly wash out the dishes in the sink for her – and the man refused, arguing that it was a woman’s duty, not that of her husband. He then gave an analogy: here is a man to whom “a helper” has been sent. Who then owns the work: the man or his helper? It is the man, of course! So, if madam said, help me with the dishes, the man should understand that the work is his and that the woman is simply his helper. In conclusion, Rev. Okpala eulogized the fathers in Anglican Igbo Church of the Holy Trinity, for all the efforts they had put into the activities of the communion and prayed that God keeps them and their families safe and healthy.

It will be recalled that Father's Day is a special occasion celebrated in numerous countries worldwide to honor the contribution, love and support provided by fathers and father figures. The day acknowledges the vital role that fathers play in the lives of their family members, and the importance of their presence and influence in society.

Father's Day can be traced back to the early 20th century. It is believed to have evolved in response to Mother's Day. Sonora Smart Dodd, a young woman who hailed from Spokane, Washington, is widely recognized as the driving force behind the establishment of Father's Day. Inspired by her father's dedication to her and her siblings after their mother's demise, Dodd proposed the idea of having a day dedicated to fathers, as her father had single-handedly raised her and her siblings in the absence of their mother.

In 1910, the first official Father's Day was celebrated in Spokane. The date was set for 19th June to honor Dodd's father's birthday. But it was not until 1972 that Father's Day was recognized as a national holiday in the United States. President Richard Nixon solidified its significance.

Today, Father's Day is celebrated worldwide, although the dates and customs vary across different countries. In some, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Germany, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. In countries like Russia, Brazil and Spain it is celebrated on different dates. In a way, the diversified observance demonstrates the universal acknowledgment of the importance of fathers and father figures.

In most countries, Father's Day is a time to express gratitude and love towards fathers and father figures, emphasizing their unconditional love, guidance and sacrifices. It offers an opportunity for families to come together and celebrate the bond between fathers and their family members. Loved ones would often express their appreciation through handmade cards, gifts or acts of service, showing their love and recognition for their father's role in their lives.

Beyond the immediate family, Father's Day serves as a reminder to society about the positive impact fathers have on their communities. It encourages society to recognize and support fathers, fostering an environment that values fatherhood as an essential component of a child's upbringing. It provides a platform to break stereotypes and challenge traditional gender roles. On that day, speakers emphasize that fathers can be nurturing caregivers and active participants in their children's lives.


Over the years, fatherhood has evolved significantly. Traditional gender roles, where fathers were often seen as the primary breadwinners have given way to a more inclusive and more involving approach to parenting. Modern fathers actively participate in their children's upbringing, sharing household responsibilities, providing emotional support, and actively engaging in their child's development. In that way, Father's Day acknowledges this shift in fatherhood dynamics and celebrates the many natural roles of fathering. It applauds the fathers who are actively involved and are present in their children’s lives, and invest in their emotional and physical well-being. This recognition further reinforces the idea that fathers are more than just financial providers but also important role models and caregivers.

The celebration today gave the Church Community of Holy Trinity the opportunity to appreciate fathers, recognize their contributions and promote the importance of involved fatherhood in society. As they celebrated Father's Day, the Vicar in Charge, Ven. Dr. Onundu Amatu Christian-Iwuagwu reminded the community of the frequent need to express gratitude to God for the gift of fathers not only through presents but also by fostering a culture that acknowledges and supports fathers, empowering them to continue to shape the lives of future generations.
