
NDC primaries: Give us Mahama's '¢40-per-person' t&t or no vote – Sefwi Wiawso delegates accuse executives of sitting on stipend

  Sat, 13 May 2023
Headlines NDC primaries: Give us Mahama's '40-per-person' tt or no vote  Sefwi Wiawso delegates accuse executives of sitting on stipend

The Delegates of the Sefwi Wiawso constituency in the Western-North Region have threatened to boycott the ongoing presidential and parliamentary primaries if a GH¢40-per-person transportation stipend allocated to them by flag bearer aspirant John Mahama, is not released by the constituency executives.

"Former President John Mahama gave us GH¢40 and the constituency executives just want to take the money and if they don’t release that money, we are not going to vote," threatened one of the delegates.

The party's regional secretary, Mr George Ofori Danquah, however, denied the allegation.

“It is the party that supports the delegates’ transport but God being so good, former President Mahama eased the situation by seeding an amount of GH¢40 for every delegate.

"So, yesterday, we met with the constituency leadership and agreed that the amount given by the party will not be sufficient, so, we agreed that the GH¢40 be added to the constituency budget to be given as transport and per the budget, everything is in order, and, so, I don’t see why they are saying they are to be given cash at hand.”

Mr Mahama, a former president, is in the flag bearer race with former Kumasi mayor Kojo Bonsu.

A third aspirant, Dr Kwabena Duffuor, has boycotted the primaries citing "blatant irregularities".

The former finance minister said all his attempts to save the situation came to nought and, so, had no choice than to withdraw from the Saturday, 13 May 2023 polls.

