
Nsutam and Bunso residents clash over land ownership of land at Bunso Junction [Video]

Headlines Nsutam and Bunso residents clash over land ownership of land at Bunso Junction [Video]

Residents of Nsutam and Bunso in the Eastern Region clashed over the ownership of a piece of land near Bunso Junction, located off the Accra-Kumasi Highway.

The dispute, which is said to have been ongoing for some time now, escalated on Wednesday, May 11, 2023, leading to a clash between the two communities.

According to reports, the land in question has been a bone of contention between the two communities for several years, with both sides claiming ownership of the property.

The situation escalated when a group of Bunso residents reportedly attempted to raise a new signboard at Bunso Nkwanta, near the Bunso junction.

This caused the Nsutam followers and their chief to clash with the people of Bunso over ownership of that boundary leading to chaos.

Eyewitnesses say the clash resulted in some injuries, as both sides pelted each other with stones and other objects, including shovels.

The situation was eventually brought under control by the timely intervention of the police, who were called in to restore calm.

The matter has been put before the chief of the town, Osagyefuo Amoatia Ofori Panin.

Watch video for more details:

Gideon Afful Amoako
Gideon Afful Amoako

News ReporterPage: GideonAffulAmoako
