
Why Ghanaians Contemplating Of Committing Suicide Can't Get The Help They Need?

Feature Article Why Ghanaians Contemplating Of Committing Suicide Can't Get The Help They Need?
FEB 5, 2023 LISTEN

Any time I read of suicide in Ghana, even though everyone will die, it saddens and breaks my heart. The most recent one that particularly touched me was about a young mother who was reportedly spotted begging for money with her child, and the next day, construction workers discovered the bodies of the mother and child hanging in an uncompleted house. Despite an upsurge in suicides in Ghana, there hasn't been a remedy to help those who are considering suicide in that country.

Life is the highest value, but sadly, there are instances when people choose to forego this value for a variety of reasons. It used to be said that most persons who commit suicide have mental health issues, but this is no longer the case. Suicide is a crime committed by people of all ages for a variety of reasons unrelated to mental illness. We must comprehend why so many people would rather end their lives than live longer.

There is a belief among psychologists that suicidal tendencies run in families, however; the majority of suicides, according to the research's findings, do not have suicide as a family history, and in the rare families where a suicide occurred in each generation, it was improper upbringing rather than poor genetics that was to blame. It's just that the parents themselves lacked the strength of character and were unableguidee to their kids on how to handle challenges.


Research has shown that many persons who commit suicide are not mentally ill, family problems, sadness, and difficulties, might push people to take their own lives when they can no longer handle it.

Since Ghanaians are tougher physically and psychologically than many other Africans, suicide there typically indicates that the victim was experiencing severe hardships, such as financial troubles and family rejection. Money difficulty is a major risk factor for suicide attempts because, in a location like Ghana, it is very difficult for someone to demonstrate their love and concern for you by providing financial support.

Someone recently tore her diploma into pieces after completing her higher education at a university and going years without finding employment. A person who has been motivated to do that may also decide to take their own life. Even if there is a lot of money in the system, Ghana's poor people's problems remain unsolved. Massive corruption, which continues to impact the underprivileged masses, even involves so-called men of God.

When aid is unavailable and the going gets difficult, people lose all sense of purpose in life. For instance, if a single mother becomes pregnant and no one wants to adopt the child, she would prefer to end her life. In other words, the majority of persons who commit suicide experience such severe circumstances that they believe ending their life is the only option. In the past, suicide was virtually never heard about, but it is now a concern in Ghana.

A mother who recently tried to kill both herself and her child was saved, but not everyone who ties a rope around their neck has a helper to sound the alarm and save them. Just work it out for yourself in a place like Ghana, which, despite being a wealthy nation, lacks institutions specifically designed to help single mothers, the unemployed, and other people facing various difficulties who frequently choose suicide as their only option.

Imagine that even in developed countries, despite the existence of financial institutions and organizations that offer assistance to those considering suicide and unemployed, the suicide rate is still high. What can the Ghanaian government do to help persons who are thinking about suicide is the question?

If they have someone who will spend time with them, listen, take them seriously, and assist them in talking about their ideas and feelings, most people can be aided in getting through their moments of crisis.

Nearly all suicidal crises are characterized by a profound ambivalence at their core: "I can't endure the anguish any longer." Most suicidal persons seek assistance to cope with the excruciating suffering instead of death, knowing that there is still time for them to alter their thoughts in those horrible moments of panic and desperation. That means a little help can prevent that.

Having a conversation partner can be quite beneficial. Talking about suicide or having suicidal thoughts won't make someone commit suicide. Additionally, it is untrue that those who talk about committing suicide will do it but any avowed intent to commit suicide should be taken seriously. While you might not be able to help a friend or classmate with these issues, you might be able to point them in the direction of someone who can.

I would humbly request the Ghanaian government to create organizations that are willing to help those who are contemplating suicide. If they are aware that these facilities are available, many of them will probably utilize them since they feel as though they have nowhere else to turn and are unwanted, leaving them with no choice except to commit suicide. Since Ghana is a wealthy nation, a fund should be established to assist these people in leading normal, healthy lives.
