Fri, 22 Jul 2022 Social News

Dormaa East MP promotes tourism potentials in his constituency

Dormaa East MP promotes tourism potentials in his constituency

The Member of Parliament for Dormaa East, Paul Apraku Twum Barimah, says he is leaving no stone unturned in fully harnessing the tourism potential in his constituency to create jobs for people as well as increase the country’s investment in the tourism sector.

To this end, he has expressed his commitment to develop untapped tourism attractions in the constituency to make the district a tourism hub in the Bono Region.

“We are working hard to increase tourism in the Dormaa East District”, he stated, explaining that in the next 10 years, if the measures put in place succeeded, Wamfie, the district capital would become a preferred tourist destination in the region and the country as a whole.

Mr Twum Barimah told our correspondent in an interview that investing in the tourism industry would help generate more revenue for the much-needed development of the communities.

“Wamfie will be a place of action, we want to move the centre of the action from Sunyani, the Bono Regional capital to Wamfie to make the district a shining star”, he stated.


Mr Twum Barimah explained that the government opted for International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout because there was a revenue shortfall and needed a little support to pay the country's loans or debts.

He said the decision to go for an IMF bailout did not mean that the country's economy was in a bad state or the government performed or managed the country’s economy poorly.

The legislator again explained that the government’s decision to go to IMF was in the interest of Ghanaians, as it would help bring relief to Ghanaians, particularly civil servants.

He assured the public that the government would negotiate a good deal with the IMF team and ensure that the negotiation would protect jobs and government flagship programmes, particularly the Free Senior High School policy.

On recent labour union agitations, Mr Twum Barimah said the various labour unions' call on the government for Cost of Living Allowances (COLA), was a good call because they deserved it due to the recent high cost of living.

Mr Twum Barimah said the government did not want Ghanaians to suffer the recent hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war.

“That is why the government had agreed on the 15 per cent and also decided to go to IMF for advice on how to put in place measures to bring relief to Ghanaians, because of the COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war”, he explained.

NPP delegates conference

On the just-ended NPP delegates’ conference, he called on the newly elected national executives to work in unity and told each other in teamwork to enable the party to 'break the eight.'

In addition, Mr Twum Barimah challenged them to help unite the party supporters, who might have been disunited after the internal elections and discharge their duties to boost delegates and the party's confidence in them.

He congratulated all the winners of the contest, especially the Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Mr Stephen Ayesu Ntim for winning the contest after five attempts.

Mr Twum Barimah said they should be reminded that their victory was for the party and not for the individual contestants and expressed confidence that the newly elected executives were capable of working to 'break the eight.'

He explained that the team elected during the conference was a solid one, as there were youth and experienced politicians among the team, who are full of energy and experience to 'break the eight.'

“These are people we need at this time to change the narrative of the NPP and I’m sure that they would not disappoint the party”, Mr Twum Barimah stated.

Richard Kofi Boahen
Richard Kofi Boahen

Bono, Bono East and Ahafo CorrespondentPage: RichardBoahen
