06.06.2020 Feature Article

How You Value Yourself Is Important

Author: Eric Worlali DomieAuthor: Eric Worlali Domie
06.06.2020 LISTEN

Most at times, we intend on measuring the level we are or we see ourselves based on the perception or views of others: People we know and most often, we don’t even know these people. How you see yourself is often different from how others will view you. Your view of yourself is shaped by your unique thoughts and beliefs.

Life can really be simple and fun if we understand ourselves more and if we can take some time off to appreciate the kind of person we are and want to be. To value something goes beyond regarding it as important. You appreciate its qualities and you invest a lot of time, energy, efforts, and sacrifice in its nurturing or maintenance process. For instance, if you value a picture frame of an art in your room, your focus is on the beauty and design, more than the cracks appearing on the sides. You treat it well, making sure it is in the best of conditions always. Similarly, people with high self-value appreciate their own self even though they may not be in the best of places or conditions.

For most people, they value things that are precious or important to them. And for this reason, they will go all out in making sure these things or people that mean a lot to them are close enough to be protected.

In an article published by Joseph Wilner on 8 ways to Love, cherish and value yourself; how you feel about yourself is directly related to how you treat yourself. People don’t realize that their self-worth is a major factor in whether or not they do what’s necessary to improve their life. Many people WANT to be healthy, wealthy, and happy, BUT they don’t believe they actually deserve it!

What most people fail to realize is, if you don’t put a lot of effort into realizing yourself, understanding yourself and knowing yourself, you might end up disappointing your own self. THE WORST THING THAT CAN HAPPEN TO ANY INDIVIDUAL IS NOT DEATH, NOR THE INABILITY TO TAKE CARE OF ONESELF BUT AN INDIVIDUAL WHO DOES NOT VALUE OR KNOW HOW IMPORTANT HE OR SHE IS. Listen, you are of value to yourself, you are of value to your family, you are of value to your circle of friends, you are of value to your society, you are of value to your country and most importantly you are of value the world at large. AND THE EARLIER YOU GET IT, THE BETTER.

Let’s look at what the bible also says about you:

  • Matthew 10: 31 GNB ( So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows)
  • Psalms 139: 14 AMP ( I will give thanks and praise to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well)

This is what blew my mind among the bible verses.

  • Genesis 1:26 GNT (Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds and all the animals, domestic and wild, large and small)

In an attempt to know how valuable one is, a lot of individuals turn to measure value based on material possession, their achievements, and status in life or even age.

Valuing oneself has nothing to do with all these things. A study in the journal of social issues found that college students who based their self-worth on appearance, academic performance and approval of society were more likely to be stressed and frustrated. These students also had more relationship problems and academic issues as well as higher use of drugs and alcohol.

The same study also found that students who placed their self-worth on internal aspects such as sticking to their morals were generally happier and healthier. If you have an internal support system that allows you to see that you are worthwhile, you’ve got yourself a solid foundation upon which you can achieve your goals, Amanda Wetzstein Frey, New York City social worker says.

Steven Stosny, Ph.D. said, people with high self-value value others. Self-value is about equality. When we value others, we value ourselves even more. We elevate our sense of well-being which facilitate our health, growth and development. Think of how you feel when you’re loving and compassionate to others. There is a lot of peace and ease within. When you devalue someone, we devalue ourselves too. Our sense of well-being deteriorates, we violate our basic humanity principles and becomes more constricted and rigid in perspective which impair our own growth and development.

Valuing yourself is so important that;

  • It helps build your confidence when taking initiatives
  • Helps you appreciate and accept people’s views of you, whether positive or negative
  • Fosters growth and personal development

How do you value yourself?

  • Change negative thoughts to positive thoughts by focusing on your strengths and working on your weakness
  • Do not compare yourself to anyone.
  • Remembering compliments and noting them down.
  • Make changes that will help you; for example. Clothes you wear, your appearance, hairstyle and behaviour.
  • Accept criticisms positively.
  • Read inspiring books on self-development.
  • Challenge and reward yourself especially after achieving a much-awaited success.

Thank you for reading, I would love to hear from you.

Eric Worlali Domie

[email protected]

Eric Worlali Domie is a graduate from the University of Professional Studies, Accra. Currently works with EDC Investment Limited (a subsidiary of the Ecobank Group) as a Sales Support Officer on the Business Development Desk. Eric is also the founder of World Youth Konnect (WYK), a non-governmental organization that seeks to empower young people to participate actively in the shaping of Ghana and the society in which they live and the world at large through educational, social, financial related activities. WYK firmly believes the NGO does not only provide young people with democratic representation, but also gather and structure their expertise in policy areas that concern them.
