Tue, 02 Jun 2020 Business & Finance

God Ordained President Akufo-Addo To Help Deal With Ghana’s COVID-19—ADUG President

By Beyonce Diamond Kpogli
National President Of Automobile Dealers Union Of Ghana ADUG, Mr. Eric Kwaku BoatengNational President Of Automobile Dealers Union Of Ghana (ADUG), Mr. Eric Kwaku Boateng

The National President of Automobile Dealers Union of Ghana (ADUG), Mr. Eric Kwaku Boateng, has commended the President of the Republic, His Excellency, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for his tremendous work towards the fight against COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

Mr. Eric Kwaku Boateng described the President as Godsent and that Ghana would have recorded more positive cases and deaths if God hadn’t guaranteed his victory in the 2016 general elections.

"God predetermined 2020 a covid19 year and met the victories Ghana champions through her President. Nana Addo has really done well and still doing his best. In my rating, he’s scored 90% for his good works”

"In less than 3 years he has almost solved all electricity crisis, though, there are some little lapses. Generally, Nana’s doing well as a leader and we must commend him. imagine the former president in power and still under “Dumsor”, staying at home would have been sickening and Ghanaians would flee from home", he said.

Effect Of COVID-19 On Automobile Dealers

ADUG National President noted that the virus has impacted negatively on the Automobile business. Adding, there have been low patronage since the outbreak, 95% of workers have been laid off by virtue of the fact that importation of cars has reduced and income generation significantly declined.

Stimulus Package

Speaking about the government's stimulus package, Mr. Kwaku Boateng, stated categorically that it was a laudable initiative and a good relief to revive the economy and will go a long way to build businesses.

Touching on Coronavirus stigmatization, ADUG President spoke against COVID-19 discrimination, says it would not help in this crucial moment.

He, therefore, emphasized that we should be each other's keeper and show love because this is the only way to bounce back as a country because we are brothers and sisters.

"Do for others what you want them to do for you".

Mr. Eric Kwaku Boateng advised the public to adhere to the government's directives to control the Ghana COVID-19.

He urged all Ghanaians to comply with government directives including wearing face masks, washing hands under running water, use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers, and stay home if you have nothing important to do in town.

He also tasked the leaders to follow the directives as an example to the citizenry.

Automobile Dealers Union of Ghana President finally concluded by urging all Ghanaians to adopt new ways of doing businesses and be innovative to stop the spread rather than criticize the government.
