Mon, 29 Jul 2019 Letter

Opened Letter To Martin Alamisi Burnes Kaiser Amidu

By Ofori Emmanuel
Martin AmiduMartin Amidu

Dear Martin Amidu,
Please, Sir, are you the same Martin Amidu or it’s a clone version of you? Don’t get mad because these days of artificial Intelligence anything is possible. Believe me or not since your appointment as the Special Prosecutor your transformation from the anti-corruption crusader to adversative complainer is epic. The passion, the love you put in fighting corruption that summersaulted you to fame has all faded away like a magic wind or belly full so you forget? Come to think of it, not until you lost your job as an Attorney General we never witness your anti-corruption traits during your time as the Deputy Attorney General under Rawlings so your rise to fame as an anti-corruption campaigner after your disagreement with the NDC and your performance after 18 months in office is beginning to raise some doubts.

Mr. Amidu, how could you betray the public trust in such a manner? I remember on August 21st, 2018 when the sound of my phone truncated my dreams around 2 am Japanese time, I reluctantly picked up the phone but it kept buzzing so I pre-processed my respond to unleash similar venom like that of the babies with sharp teeth if the reasons for the call were not of value. At that point in time, I heard from the other side “Charley! dem picks your man as the Special Prosecutor ooo”. I was super elated but stunned and confused. A Few days earlier, I had posited profusely that no Ghanaian politician will have the balls to appoint the dreaded Martin Amidu and the President has proven me wrong.

Go! Amidu. Go!
Instantly, I started singing Bob Marley’s famous “We gonna chase those crazy baldheads outta the town”. Bim Bim Bim tana nana nana! Bim Bim Bim tana nana nana!

A section of Ghanaians join in the celebration. Martin represent the contemporary hero, quoting from Chalotte Osei We saw him, we like him, we chose him. Finally, we could all have some sign of relieving because the corruption battle has ended and Ghana is going to be free forever. Notwithstanding the NDC has branded you as a bitter snitch and challenged your capacity many Ghanaians stayed focused. Yentie obia! .Of course, why would we listen to some naysayers? This is a man who has taken on a whole government in power, he indeed lodged claims that he recommended the prosecution of the then Vice President. He has single handily pursued the infamous Wayome scandal and has succeeded in making the whole country believed that he possesses so much evidence that could convey the ruling government into opposition. He has nicknamed himself the Citizen Vigilante. Barely did we know that we have sold our colour TV to purchase a Black and white version.

Amidu. Sir, I started having misgivings about your ability when you admitted during the vetting proceedings that you had no evidence, contrary to the numerous claims made against leading figure of the NDC. I could not believe that a man of your calibre, a lawyer and a former Attorney General would make such wild allegations without evidence to substantiate them but my suspicions were confirmed after explaining many of your flimsy excuses to support your ineptitude. I started demanding for your dismissal only six months into office because I could sense from afar that you were overly incompetently incompetent. I have raised several objections to your excuses on my Facebook page. The complaint about the size of your office and your assistant’s vehicle was the most injudicious of all. Your office was established to investigate and prosecute not to serve as a prison yard so the rejection of a two-bedroom self-contained house which could accommodate over 20 people under the open office system was needless, besides, what was the size of your office when you took Wayome to the Supreme Court. Were you also inferring that your assistant could not use her personal vehicle for starters? Please be known that the office is not a suckling brigade and any serious person should have anticipated some of the challenges you are throwing about. The excuse you made about lack of equipment was very infantile, to say the least, if you had devoted half of the time you used in writing unnecessary articles on drafting proposals to our developing partners, Foreign Embassies and philanthropic friends your office may have been filled with cars, equipment including lie detector test. You also complained about lack of budget however 6 months after your office was allocated with funds you successfully failed your first attempt to prosecute. The first- round knockout you received from Mahama Ayarigas case represents a pivotal vindication to your lack of technical knowhow and not frustrations from any public officers as you are trying to exhibit. Your continued stay in office is becoming a dent on the once-revered office be honorable and resign for you have outlived your usefulness. Since assuming office, you have literally complained about everything, from drivers, investigators, and even the Attorney General. The unique time you do not complain is when your gigantic salary hits your bank. You colleague SP in Kenya just contributed to the arrest of the Finance Minister on alleged corruption charges. Learn from the Auditor General (Devlo) and stop fusing.

Mr Amidu, the good people of Ghana are tired with your constant complaints and buck-passing, almost 18 months in office you have added nothing to your already failed achievements. We will no longer accept your strategy of courting public sympathy, you are been paid to work not to throw punches and tantrums at people left, right, centre. If you feel the kitchen is too hot step out. The last time I checked you posited that you resigned from Ex-President Atta Mils government because you were been frustrated. Where thou art that same principles? You have successfully written 10 articles and successfully filed one case since you took office. It is obvious your interest in media supersedes that of the work of a prosecutor. Take a bow and get a new job as a newspaper columnist and trust me Ghana will not miss you one bit.
