18.07.2018 Feature Article

How Politicians And The Social Media Censor The Health Blog ‘Aids And Ebola’

How Politicians And The Social Media Censor The Health Blog Aids And Ebola
18.07.2018 LISTEN

Those who commit crimes and wouldn't like anyone to know about them called call such information 'Fake news.'

Bebee, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and several other social media expelled us from their sites, after launching the health blog 'Secrets of Aids and Ebola Facts Journal,' without any significant reason or explanation.

However, we know that there are some powerful people behind it. Firstly, they can't stand the truth, and secondly, because of the medical crimes they have committed, they feel threatened or insecure.

The social media is on the winning side of the truth because their incoming fortunes are at stake. They get more restless as they see the number of people reading our articles. Above all, our happiness, which they consider it a nightmare was when, one of the biggest online African news site, ModernGhana news, starts publishing our articles.

Many readers worldwide, including the officials of UNICEF, WHO, CDC, National Health Institutes, ministers, politicians, and secret services visit our blog.

In fact, it can be said that Big Pharma and their shareholders, including many politicians and doctors, belong to organized crime, which is hardly published by the media because it affects their source of income.

According to many of our followers on LinkedIn, Bebee and friends on Facebook, they remove health, organic, and natural life pages under the guise of “fake news” under new laws implemented by Western Countries. Nevertheless, for instance, prescribed drugs are the third cause of death in the USA after a heart attack and cancer!

Danish documentary about HPV vaccine victims no longer to view

As of yesterday, July 6, 2018, we discovered that the Danish documentary “De vaccinergede Piger,” made in 2015, has disappeared from the internet. The film is sharply etched in our memory. It starts with a gathering of young girls, and tired old females, shoveling into a room.

They have excruciating pains, seizures, chronic fatigue, sitting in a wheelchair or menopause have started even before they have ever given birth to a child.

The girls have one thing in common: they all think that their symptoms are caused by the HPV vaccine. And there is more than enough scientific research that makes this very plausible. But the establishment still sticks its head in the sand and comes up with remarks such as 'girls at that age are often tired.

The film was on the old Vaccinvrij site for years, but now it is no longer available. On the old link, is a notice that this is so because of “Copyrights of the Danish TV.” And we, the writers of the aforementioned blog, have to believe that?

Only after years of trouble-free circulation of the documentary, do the Danish TV think they don't like this and therefore, removes the film because of 'Copyrights'? Are they out of there minds?

Why do the media and there journalists remain in silence?

While it remained awfully quiet in the media, on our blog we published about the measures that completely undermine our freedom of speech. We would like to highlight and emphasized them again:

“Lobbying in Brussels is an industry branch that converts billions of Euros every year. According to 'Corporate Europe', an organization that campaigns for more transparency, there are at least 30,000 lobbyists in Brussels. A number that almost corresponds to the 31,000 employees of the European Commission.

This means that every day thousands of lobbyists, employed by large (pharmaceutical) companies, law firms, banks, PR firms, Newspapers and their journalists etc., have an estimated three-quarter of European laws and regulations. They provide politicians and civil servants with the so-called 'right' background.

Could it be that the removal of Danish documentary is part of the removal of misleading and unscientific information about vaccination? That the measures are being implemented and that censorship is only increasing?

Things that go against regular thinking often disappear. Not just this movie or articles we wrote. Because even notorious companies like Google manipulates our blog with figures or penalties.

The proposed proposals are drastic and concern every child in Europe. Every article we publish on our blog is horribly quiet in the regular media.

For instance, in the Netherlands and Belgium, we provide newspapers with scientific underlined articles about the danger of vaccines and drugs but neither the Volkskrant, nor the NRC, nor Het Parool has informed the Dutch and Belgian citizens about the measures that want to restrict our freedom of choice and our free speech.

From the point of view of many well-informed parents, the worst: measures that threaten the health of our children is mandatory vaccinations.

Why is vaccination coverage actually decrease?

Because safety standards are missing and there is a lack of independent safety studies?

Because we wonder all of those vaccines are really needed? Because we find out that they can have terrible side effects? Because we have concern for our children?

For instance, where is science that proves that vaccines are safe and effective? Parents who ask questions about the scientific underpinning of vaccination programs come home from a cold funfair. The answer to the growing concern, where the resistance comes from, is apparently to make it legally possible to be able to oblige vaccination throughout Europe.


Unfortunately, we do not have to look far to see that the result of this political influence. The interest of business often prevails over the interests of the citizen and the environment.

A recent example. On April 19, 2018, out of sight of the citizen, the EC voted in favor of measures to counter the decreasing vaccination rate. The proposals made are drastic and concern every child in Europe. Vaccine-free posted a blog about it the same day but it was horribly quiet in the regular media.

Neither the Dutch Newspapers, De Volkskrant, the NRC, nor Het Parool, has informed the citizen about the measures that want to restrict our freedom of choice and our free speech.

The only thing they did is, when our books come to light, they ask the opinion of Dutch professor virologist Ab Osterhaus, a stakeholder in the pharmaceutic industry, about his opinion on our accusations.

And referring to our challenge to prove us wrong 'Aids and Ebola are man-made diseases,' he and his colleagues worldwide remain silent, as WHO, CDC, and all national health institutes worldwide do. No, because you never bite in a hand that feeds you.

The only title they deserve is; “Criminals in suits,” and, from the point of view, in regards to many well-informed parents, the worst: their measures threaten the health of our children, our future generation.

All vaccines in spite of our children are not healthy or safe. The number of chronic disorders of the immune system and central nervous system: ADHD, disorders in the autism spectrum, allergies, epileptic disorders, developmental disorders, learning, and speech problems, etc., etc. is only increasing.

The list is long and the medical world has no explanation for the increase. Only scientific research with an unvaccinated control group could conclude that vaccines are not (partly) responsible for this. But this is precisely the research that the pro-vaccinees cannot present to the parents.

The reason that the vaccination rate is decreasing is that parents lose confidence in the National Vaccination Programs NVP. It is the parents who experience how their child responds to the vaccines! And the reason that we try to inform and warn each other via the social media is that the information about vaccines at the clinic and in the media has considerable gaps.

Could it be that the power of lobbyists/multinationals goes beyond influencing MEPs in Brussels?

The Dutch newspaper AD, was the only major newspaper that took over the press release that the 'EU is ringing the emergency bell' on 19th April 2018, the rest of the big newspapers followed only a week later on 26th April. That in itself is strange, but the content of their articles is even more strange.

Another example of identical news in the Dutch media

De Volkskrant (26-04-18):
'Brussels: Growing vaccination resistance among citizens puts public health at risk'.

But we gladly know that hundreds of journalists, and not only Dutch, follow us on all social media. That's why we can hold them accountable for misleading their readers.

World Health Organization (WHO)
The WHO was established in California (USA) in 1945, with the aim of building a better, healthier future for all people worldwide. In a few decades, the WHO has grown into a powerful and large organization that is decisive for, among other things, a worldwide vaccination policy.

More than 7,000 people work in more than 150 offices and in addition, it can count on more than 700 institutes that support it. Not a bad performance for an organization that was founded relatively recently.

This could only be achieved because the WHO has the best marketing staff, economists and other highly skilled professionals, above all, the institution has a lot of money. Who will finance the 150 offices and salaries of all those 7,000 people working for the World Health Organization? Bill Gates?

Financial transparency regarding the financing of the source of information about vaccines and the worldwide vaccination policy is hard to find for the citizen. Only a few people will realize that the WHO plays such an important role in the whole, including the increasing pressure to vaccinate.

At the beginning of its existence, the WHO was financed for the most part by mandatory contributions from member states, but this has long since ceased to be the case. The largest source of income from the WHO are voluntary contributions of very wealthy institutions of persons like Bill Gates, in the form of donations or from 'partner organizations.'

But does the sun rises for nothing? A relatively small number of donors, who are pro-vaccines - finance as much as 75% of the costs incurred by the WHO. In return, they have a big spoon in terms of their spending, including global depopulation which affects mostly third world countries.

Billions of people in this world live in slums where the average life expectancy is perhaps only 35 years. Half the life expectancy in well-off locations where people have good nutrition, clean drinking water, and sanitation. And they all are unaware of the criminal behavior of the upper layer in our rotten world.

Overpopulation (slums), poor hygiene, lack of sanitation, unsafe drinking water, inadequate food, polluted air, etc. are circumstances among people. Certainly, children under five, cannot stay healthy or even alive. Meanwhile, many corrupt persons are floating around in their expensive ships or flying in their superjets in order to maintain their power.

Improving living conditions should be the highest priority of the WHO, but this is not the case. Why? Have policymakers not learned anything from history? How did the (now) prosperous Western countries overcome the high (infant) mortality from infectious diseases? It's most certainly was not because of vaccines or dangerous drugs!

The WHO uses worldwide mortality figures to convince citizens in affluent countries that 'childhood diseases are dangerous' and vaccines 'life-saving.' Nothing is less true. Healthy children are born with an immune system that normally works very well.

Child diseases have an important role in the development of a strong and healthy immune system and are only dangerous diseases for malnourished children.

Vaccines disrupt the natural development of the immune system, which may result in a reduction in resistance and then we are not even talking about vaccination damage.

Dear parents, do you want to have your children sick? Then go to the doctor and ask for vaccines but remember once they have fallen ill then you are responsible as well just as the Europe Parliament and those so-called safe institutes which decide what vaccinations they put into your babies.

And if you refuse, then you lose your job, your children are expelled from “Kindergartens” or day-care centers and even from school. It is for you to decide, dear readers, who are the criminal amongst us?
