Wed, 17 Dec 2014 Feature Article

"I Have A Dream"—(To The Broken Pot Of My Village)

I Have A Dream—To The Broken Pot Of My Village
17 DEC 2014 LISTEN

I have a dream
a dream born of my fathers
a dream to go home once more
to find that hatched fortune
inside the shrine of the village

I have a dream
a dream to worship love
a dream to cherish each moment
I speak to my pure African Queen
a dream to pay the dowry
before night falls on the feet of my father in-law

I have a dream
a dream to sing to my caged bird
though caged and kept
inside a castle's dungeon
yet I know this symphonious hymns
shall reach you in time's eyes
to heal your wounded soul

I have a dream
a dream of sipping palm wine
and sharing the taste in kola
with the village's god of war
and of her evergreen princess
the goddess of beauty

I have a dream
a dream of Africa rising again
where I shall sing with my soul bloods
"Kulukulu Mama Africa"
"Kulukulu Mama Africa"
to another glorious milestone victory
won from the battlefiled of immortality

I have a dream
you have a dream
of dreams birthed in the womb of a mother
that someday to come
when night would kiss day to die
poetry shall come home singing
"at last I have fulfilled this mission,
of healing worried souls,
of nursing wounded hearts,
and rekindling lost hopes"
I have a dream----
