Fri, 25 Jul 2014 Social News

Organized labour presents petition to Regional Minister

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Sekondi, July 24, GNA - Mr Ellis Ankomah, Western Regional Secretary of the Trades Union Congress, on Thursday called on President Mahama to take measures to end the hardship the people were going through.

The President, he noted, has the constitutional duty to implement urgent and appropriate measures to arrest the economic decline and suffering of the people due to the state of the economy.

Mr Ankomah made the call when he presented an eight-point petition by organised labour to Mr Paul Evans Aidoo, Western Regional Minister at the Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) at Sekondi, for onward submission to the President.

He said organised labour and the working people are ready to support the President to lead to the country out of the prevailing economic and social hardships towards prosperity and economic and social dignity that the people deserved.

Mr Osei Asibey Antwi, Regional Industrial Relations Officer of the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union (ICU), said the four-hour demonstration hundreds of workers in Sekondi-Takoradi held was non-partisan.

He said the demonstration was to highlight the hardships workers were going through because of the management of the economy which had led to high utility tariffs, high prices of food and unemployment.

Some of the placards carried by the demonstrators read 'Cost of living is high, Mahama do something', 'Big taxes, small pay,' 'Workers are suffering,' 'Corruption must be stopped' and 'Animal Farm'.

Mr Alfred Ekow Gyan, Deputy Western Regional Minister and Mr Daniel Eshun, District Chief Executive for Ellembele were present.

