30.06.2014 Feature Article

Who Is A Father??

Who Is A Father??
30.06.2014 LISTEN

I have been wondering for years why mother's day celebration receives big media hype than father's day. in pursuant of this noble mission, I have this to say about fathers in every part of our globe. Statistically, fathers are the most irresponsible parent as far as the upbringing of a child is concerned, according to US department of justice, almost hundred of fathers are drag to court yearly for failing to discharge their fatherly responsibilities and the case is not different in Ghana.

But the question is, do we blame them for their ineptitude? Several dictionaries have defined fathers as a male parent who provides the sperm for the fertilization through sexual intercourse; these definitions have limited fathers to mere sexual contributors.

Undeniably, this western definition has a role to play in the high rate of irresponsibility among most fathers in the world. Secondly, the natural design steps of making a baby is also affecting fathers a lot, except those very responsible ones who sees their children as investment. From the very inception of baby making, we all know that baby spends most time with the mother in the womb, more time when that Child joins the human race, this automatically creates a wonderful love between mother and her child.

By natural configuration men are not opportune to have this, so the only way to win this indescribable love from children is also to spend more time with them, but only few fathers can take time out of their schedules to do that. This piece seeks to go beyond this definition to find out who a real father is.

Any man can become a father, but being a real father means owning up responsibilities. There are no required skills in impregnating a woman provided you are potent. But bringing up the child in a responsible manner required devotion and attitude.

A father's role in the child's development is significant. And it is more than just giving time to the child by being present when the child is growing up. A father is a role model too. The way he behaves, acts and reacts, carries himself, interacts with others etc. are all watched by the child and imitated in many ways.

The child is consciously and sub-consciously watching the father's actions and learning from it. If the father is calm and cool, so the child shall be. If the father is temperamental, the child thinks that this is normal behavior and picks up cues from him. In rare cases, the child may reject negative behavior and behave in a positive manner. He gives a sense of security to the child in more

ways than one.
The child with a father to fall back on is a more confident and balanced child. The child grows up with a comfort that the father will protect and support the child at all times. The child also behaves with responsibility if there is a fear of retribution from a disciplinarian father.

In my view, the most important role of the father, besides being there, giving love and showing commitment and responsibility, is to inculcate values into the child. He is the first teacher to the child, after the mother, who gives the child the sense of values. He is the one who encourages good behavior and prevents bad behavior from becoming a habit.

He constantly demonstrates to the child how to live life and how to face situations that life throws at us. He is ever watchful of the children and their progress. He is the one who shapes the child into becoming a useful and mature adult by giving the child values system that becomes hard coded into the child's DNA.

I have noticed over the years that, there is often a correlation between those people who have grown up with a bad father (i.e. immoral, drunk, abusive, neglectful, etc.) and those who struggle to inculcate good morals and values in their kids, Ghana is dominated by two powerful religions that is Islam and Christianity, these religions have provided a cogent steps on how to raise a child. Both the Quran and the Bible have provided sufficient verses on the importance of children and how they must be brought up.

According to the Islamic Shari`ah, the role of the Muslim father goes beyond providing financial support to his family. It is his role to provide his family with a loving and peaceful atmosphere and lead his family toward loving Allah and enjoying a successful, happy, and righteous life. He is responsible for upbringing his children and teaching them through his example how to be good and successful people.

The bible stance is not different from what the Quran is saying, according to the Bible, Children are blessing from the Lord and they should be brought up in Godly manner (Psa 123:5). The up bringing of the child is what makes a man responsible, bringing up a child does not only mean clothing, shelter, and paying of their school fees, but rather spending time to train them to do what is right, and living exemplary life for them to emulate.

We all believe children are indeed a blessing to every marriage. As with all blessings, there is accountability. Fathers must realize that they will bear the accountability-the consequence for failing to discharge their fatherly duties.Mothers are the best Parent one can have in terms of responsibilities and up bringing of a child, with a support a little support from a father, success will be achieved and the children will become asset to their parent and the nation at large.

At this juncture, I will define father as a male Parent who keep you from making mistakes but instead let you find your own way, even though his heart breaks in silence when you get hurt. A father is someone who holds you when you cry, scolds you when you break the rules, shines with pride when you succeed and has faith in you even when you fail. But the greatest thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.


One legacy

Mohammed Mustapha

Tel:0233722272/ 0266722272

Blog: [email protected]

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