Mon, 26 May 2014 Feature Article


26 MAY 2014 LISTEN

There is a time in life, I mean a reference period that a boy and a girl mature into a man and a woman respectively. With this changes taking shape in life, the rhythms of the mind-to-thought also
undergoes this transformation. We do then begin thinking proactively in positions that sends our thought on travelling reasoning succession of what ought to be.

The celebration or observing of the AU(OAU) to me is such an irrelevant day as the aims or objectives of AU when put under the microscope of critique can be sorted out as not addressing the brain behind it as envisioned by the likes of it founding fathers like Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Julius Nyerere of Tanzania and so on.

The AU which sprung out of the former OAU has resumed a status of a 'defunct' more than becoming 'active' in pursuing it agenda and aims.

To date, the AU has not been able to achieve the full taste in it aims. The AU has not achieve greater unity and solidarity between African countries, it has also not accelerated the political and socio-economic integration of the continent. Where is the integration of the economies in Africa? People are swimming and dying in abject poverty, diseases, malnutrition and so on.

The sad issue is that, the AU has not been able to defend and promote the common position of all Africans on issues of interest to the continent. The AU if were a human would have being a woman in a man's skin. Cowardice is the perfect description of the AU when it comes to defending and speaking on common grounds on issues which would affect Africans on the world's geographical scale.

In the promotion of peace, stability and security on the continent, if that were to be an examination the AU would have scored 5% out of 100%. Where in Africa or which part of Africa is the AU promoting peace, stability and security? Take your mind and it visuality to the shores of our continent and you would realise the pains, agonising, and traumatic moments people are going through in some of our countries, and you would understand how 'sluggishly' and 'deceasely' the AU has become in terms of promoting peace and security. What of the recent coup de'tat in our part of the world? Can that be linked to promoting stability?

Are we not still swimming deeply in the pool of colonialism after our paper written independence? What is the reference point of our being independent when we still can't unite on our fronts to embattle this world's order of not favouring or not been fair to Africa? Are our nations truly united? Is neo-colonialism still not eating to our core?

Now, if all these and many more questions of problems are hanging around our necks as Africans, and our so called united body (AU) can't solve them. Then what is even the point of the existence of AU, let alone celebrating or observing it day?

Africa must work and not talk-talk. What is the importance of this statement to us as Africans, "the African is capable of managing his own affairs"?

The Village Thinker!!!
