Tue, 11 Jun 2013 General News

Naadu urges youth to seek God

By Daily Graphic
Naadu urges youth to seek God

A former First Lady, Mrs Ernestina Naadu Mills, has bemoaned the rate of immorality and fallen ethical standards among the youth, especially senior high school (SHS) students.

She has, therefore, urged the youth to return to the Bible and devote their early years to strengthen their relationship with God, since nothing could be achieved without Him.

Speaking at the inauguration of the Ghana First Lady SHS Students Bible Project at the Aburi Girls' Senior High School at Aburi in the Eastern Region last Sunday, Mrs Mills said the best way for anybody to live a functional life was to be at peace with God.

Present at the launch were high-profile dignitaries, including the Vice-President, Mr Kwesi Bekoe Amissah-Arthur, and his wife, Matilda.

Five hundred thousand SHS students are to receive free copies of the Bible, under the First Lady SHS Students Bible Project.

The project is the initiative of Mrs Mills, with support from the Scripture Union (SU) of Ghana.

The Bibles are being distributed at a cost of GHc10 million.

Mrs Mills contended that the high rate of immorality and fallen moral standards among the youth were clear indications of the neglect of the Bible.

"If you will devote yourself to learn about Jesus Christ and develop a personal relationship with Him, it will be of great profit to you. You will gain wisdom and understanding from the Bible that you cannot get anywhere else, " she advised.

According to her, encouraging and inspiring people to read the Bible was her greatest desire and passion.

'I want to encourage and inspire Ghana's SHS students. In fact, while my husband was a presidential candidate, we prayed: 'Lord God, give us Ghana, so that we will give Ghana back to you,' she said.

In a brief remark, Mr Amissah-Arthur expressed the hope that the Bible would motivate students to aspire higher and contribute better to national development.

He commended Mrs Mills for her desire to help impart wisdom to thousands of SHS students through the Word of God.

He urged SHS students to take advantage of the free distribution of the Bible to enhance their own spirituality.

For the Headmistress of Aburi Girls' SHS, Ms Rosemond Bampoe, the fallen standards of morality was a sign that the church was not doing much for the youth.

She thanked Mrs Mills and called on the churches to join hands in the fight against indiscipline among the youth.

By Dominic Moses Awiah
