20.01.2009 Feature Article

Four Decades Ago

Four Decades Ago
20.01.2009 LISTEN

(Poem marking Obama's Inauguration Day, as the 44th President of the United States of America – 20/1/2009)

Written by Odimegwu Onwumere

Down memory lane,
we walked with him
down memory lane – 1968,
mind of reasoning
became mind of rancouring
down memory lane.

Down memory lane,
all we had was hope,
happiness was farfetched;
all we had was faith,
our fate was nearly fractured;
all we became were help-seekers,
hapless we became down memory lane.

Down memory lane,
there were actions beyond reasoning;
his DREAM became our hope,
and our work became hope realized.

Down memory lane,
do we spell Barack or Barak?
Do we spell Africa, Afirika or Africka?
Don't spell my name with English pronunciation!
What is the meaning of White House?
Better it becomes another name,
or it becomes Black and White House
for the final burial of their unwanted gift to us – racism,

or should we wait for another Four Decades?

Odimegwu Onwumere is the Founder of Poet Against Child Abuse (PACA), Rivers State, Nigeria. Mobile: +2348032552855. Email: [email protected]
