01.09.2008 General News

New Democrat defies NMC regulation

01.09.2008 LISTEN
By myjoyonline

The new National Democrat has vowed to continue with its publications even though the National Media Commission (NMC) has withdrawn its registration.

The NMC has reclaimed its registration certificate citing false declaration by the owners.

However managers of the private news paper say the NMC's decision is perverse and will continue to work in accordance with the constitution.

In an interview with Joy news, Paul Ansah the editor of the news paper quoted article 162 (3) of the 1992 constitution which frowns on licensing of the newspapers and other magazines, to back their decision.

He claimed the NMC has been coerced by National Security to take that decision.

According to him the Democrat on some few occasions published some stories which were not in the interest of National Security, and has resorted to clamp down on the news paper, thereby using the NMC as a cover up.

Author: Nathan Gadugah
