Sun, 26 May 2024 Feature Article

What Mahama Development Projects Are These Gonja-NDC Partisans Griping About Here?

What Mahama Development Projects Are These Gonja-NDC Partisans Griping About Here?

This is not a nationally significant topic or issue that Yours Truly would ordinarily have picked up for discussion, we are here talking about the recent press release that was published by several major media portals in the country captioned “Gonjaland Values Mahama’s Development [Projects?] Over Bawumia and NPP – Savannah NDC” 5/15/24), signed by Mr. Ananpansah Bartholomew Abraham, who claimed to be representing the country’s main opposition National Democratic Congress’ Chapter of Gonjaland, located in the Akufo-Addo-created Savannah Region. It is crystal clear that the aforementioned Press Release or Press Statement is a desperate propaganda piece aimed at doing the patently ungodly bidding of the twice-defeated, one-term former President and the Serial and the Dynastic Presidential Candidate of the National Democratic Congress, to wit, Mr. John “STX Scam-Artist” Dramani Mahama.

Now, it is ironic for these National Democratic Congress’ apparatchiks to be impugning the all-too-legitimate election of the twice, consecutively, elected Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia as the 2024 Presidential Candidate of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), knowing the readily verifiable fact of Candidate-General John “Gnassingbe” (Ouagadougou-Nkonfem Flying) Dramani Mahama’s having bought his 2024 Presidential-Candidacy Coronation Ticket for more than GH₡50 million, comically labeled as “Transportation Allowances” to and from the various polling stations around the country for the approximately 350,000 party delegates who participated in last year's National Democratic Congress’ Presidential-Election Primary, in which Yagbonwura Okogufuo Kwame Gonja effectively ran unopposed.

It is rather at once scandalous and comical for a political party with an unenviable tradition of coronating their flagbearers to be self-righteously and shamelessly accusing the widely presumed Next President of our beloved Sovereign Democratic Republic of Ghana of having rigged his way onto the topmost ticket of his party in the leadup to the watershed and jinx-breaking 2024 Presidential Election. It is quite certain that if the executive operatives of the Gonja Chapter of the National Democratic Congress had not been so clinically and pathologically blinded by ethnic chauvinism and primitive and raw tribalism, they would be singing a completely different tune, after humbly comparing notes with Dr. Kwabena Duffuor, the former Rawlings-appointed Governor of the Bank of Ghana and the Atta-Mills-appointed Finance and Economic-Planning Minister, as well as the entire topmost leadership of the National Democratic Congress, including Mrs. Betty Mould-Iddrisu, the former Atta-Mills-appointed Attorney-General and Minister of Justice and, subsequently, Minister of Education.

But, of course, we find it to be strategically savvy not to push matters too intemperately, being fully aware of the fact that the sole and the main objective of Mr. Ananpansah Bartholomew Abraham for so gratuitously going after the Oxbridge-educated Candidate Bawumia is, obviously, to create widespread disaffection for both the latter and the New Patriotic Party, which clinched a little more than 30-percent of the valid counted votes in the 2020 Presidential Election in Gonjaland, if Truly Yours recalls accurately, and is poised to win even more votes in the both the 2024 Presidential and the Parliamentary Elections. In short, having despondently espied the proverbial Doomsday Handwriting on the Wall, the desperate executive operatives of the Gonjaland Chapter of the National Democratic Congress has decided to go nuke and ballistic by throwing the metaphorical kitchen sink at Candidate Bawumia, who has inimitably demonstrated that he is the one northern-descended bona fide Ghanaian citizen and leader who really has what it takes to move Ghana at least one seismic notch up the national development ladder in ways that cannot even be dreamed about by the Serial and the Dynastic Presidential Candidate of the National Democratic Congress.

It is also not clear what the Ananpansah Bartholomew Abraham Gang means by the Gonjaland NDC – to be strictly and neatly differentiated from the Savannah Region’s Chapter of the NDC – valuing or privileging Mahama’s development projects well over and above projects either initiated or implemented by both Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia and the institutional establishment of the New Patriotic Party. More so because neither the Akufo-Addo-implemented Fee-Free Senior High and Vocational and Technical School Systems, and the John “The Gentle Giant” Agyekum-Kufuor-implemented National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) received any significant input from either former President Mahama or the Social Darwinian institutional establishment of the National Democratic Congress.

It is equally ironic for the Ananpansah Bartholomew Abraham Gang to be discrediting Vice-President Bawumia while, at the same time, earnestly pleading with the Walewale native, from the Akufo-Addo-created North-East Region, not to neglect to fulfill his promises to Gonjaland, in the highly likely event of Dr. Bawumia’s being elected as the Next President of our beloved Sovereign Democratic Republic of Ghana. How desperation and jealousy breed confusion and moral contradictions in those who ought to know better but often do not!

*Visit my blog at: KwameOkoampaAhoofeJr

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., PhD
Professor Emeritus, Department of English
SUNY-Nassau Community College
Garden City, New York
May 16, 2024
E-mail: [email protected]
