
Kissi Agyebeng has politicize OSP – Martin Amidu

Headlines Kissi Agyebeng has politicize OSP  Martin Amidu

Martin A. B. K. Amidu, the former Special Prosecutor, has launched a scathing attack on the current Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyebeng, accusing him of politicizing the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) to shield himself from investigation.

In a statement dated May 23, 2024, Amidu asserted that the investigation into the Cecilia Abena Dapaah case was politically motivated. He claimed Agyebeng’s actions aimed to protect the interests of his associates at Cromwell Grey LLP and Tiger Eye PI, using the OSP as a tool for political insurance and blackmail against the government.

“I am convinced by the genesis of the investigation by the OSP into the Cecilia Abena Dapaah case that Kissi Agyebeng intentionally decided to politicize the OSP as an insurance against the crimes at the OSP from being investigated and also as a blackmail against the Government in defense of the partnership at Cromwell Grey LLP, and Tiger Eye PI,” Mr Amidu stated.

Amidu further argued that the politicization and subsequent blackmail served the interests of those who supported Agyebeng’s nomination. He criticized Agyebeng’s appointment, questioning his competence and experience.

“Emotionally speaking, I think that the politicization and blackmail of the Government by the OSP serves those who nominated such an incompetent and inexperienced investigator and prosecutor to such a critical law enforcement office,” Amidu asserted.

Despite his emotionally charged remarks, Amidu emphasized that the fight against corruption must be guided by professional principles rather than personal agendas. He warned against allowing individuals with ulterior motives to exploit the anti-corruption platform for personal gain.

“The fight against corruption transcends emotions and has to be based on professional principles as it affects the well-being and welfare of every Ghanaian, rather than allowing criminals to hide under the umbrella of fighting corruption to loot the public purse because one has an axe to grind with the Government of the day. Governments come and go, but the Republic of Ghana will endure,” he concluded.

Daniel Owusu
Daniel Owusu

News ReporterPage: DanielOwusu
