Thu, 23 May 2024 Headlines

‘Even chlorine can not wash you clean’ — Omane Boamah fires back at NIA

Dr. Edward Omane Boamah, Director of Elections of the NDCDr. Edward Omane Boamah, Director of Elections of the NDC

The war of words between the National Identification Authority (NIA) and the Director of IT and Elections of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dr. Omane Boamah, continues over claims that the ongoing Ghana Card registration in Pusiga, Upper East Region is aimed at rigging votes.

In a latest Facebook post on Thursday, May 23, responding to the NIA's Press Release denying his initial allegations, Dr. Omane Boamah stated "Even Chlorine cannot wash the NIA clean from their desire to steal votes in Pusiga: we know over 80% of 'criminals' plead NOT GUILTY...".


The comments come after the NIA issued a rebuttal of his earlier assertions that the Pusiga registration exercise was a ploy by the ruling NPP, through the NIA, to enable people to illegally register and vote in the upcoming general elections.

In its response, the NIA flatly denied any wrongdoing, stating that the registration exercise is lawful and was prompted by a request from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) following consultations on border security.

The NIA also provided details of negotiations and preparations with the IOM before the commencement of the registration and stressed that it is solely focused on ensuring the vulnerable populations along the Ghana-Burkina Faso border have access to the Ghana Card.

However, Dr Omane Boamah appears unconvinced by the NIA's explanations.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
