
Bawumia gave rhetoric lectures on cedi depreciation for power — Dr Kwasi Amakye Boateng

Headlines Dr Kwasi Amakye Boateng
Dr Kwasi Amakye Boateng

In an insightful interview on Abusua 96.5FM, Dr. Kwasi Amakye Boateng, a Senior Political Science Lecturer at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), scrutinized the rapid depreciation of the cedi against major currencies, highlighting the significant strain this is placing on businesses in Ghana.

Speaking with host Millicent Safo-Adu, Dr. Amakye emphasized the ongoing and fervent discussions among Ghanaians about the cedi’s decline, predicting that these debates will likely continue beyond the 2024 general elections.

He critically examined Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s track record, noting his past promises of economic reform during the 2016 elections when he strongly criticized the then-incumbent John Mahama administration for its economic management. Dr. Amakye pointed out that Dr. Bawumia’s rhetoric, which once galvanized public support, has not translated into effective leadership as head of the economic management team.

“Dr. Bawumia met with several unions and spoke extensively about the economy and the cedi’s freefall. He set high standards for economic accountability,” Dr. Amakye stated. “Ghanaians expect him to address the cedi and dollar issue – that’s the crux of the matter.”

Stressing the importance of transparency, Dr. Amakye called for Dr. Bawumia to openly discuss the challenges affecting his performance. He argued, “If Dr. Bawumia doesn't understand something but pretends to, and the public believes in him, it’s crucial he explains any obstacles to his effectiveness now that he has the power.”

Dr. Amakye also commented on the relationship between President Nana Akufo-Addo and Dr. Bawumia, rejecting claims that the President is obstructing Bawumia’s performance. He emphasized, “Nana Addo has Ghana’s best interests at heart. Given Dr. Bawumia’s economic expertise, the President would not hinder him.”

Reflecting on Ghana’s leadership history, Dr. Amakye noted the familial legacy of President Akufo-Addo, suggesting that Akufo-Addo seeks to honor his family’s name through his governance. He dismissed suggestions that the President is impeding Bawumia’s duties as unfounded.

In his final comments, Dr. Amakye underscored the necessity for Dr. Bawumia to move beyond rhetoric and deliver tangible results, particularly in stabilizing the cedi. He warned against relying on political humility tactics, suggesting they are insufficient for effective governance.

“Dr. Bawumia needs to walk the talk,” Dr. Amakye concluded, urging a focus on impactful governance to ensure a lasting legacy for Ghana.

Daniel Owusu
Daniel Owusu

News ReporterPage: DanielOwusu
