14.04.2024 Feature Article


14.04.2024 LISTEN

I was around 14 years or so. I would always hear my father running commentary on the killings in Rwanda, he was always on his radio listening to the news from BBC via Radio Ghana. I remember that sometime in April 1994, a plane carrying Rwanda's president Juvénal Habyarimana and Burundi’s president Cyprien Ntaryamira was shot down over the capital city of Kigali, leaving no survivors. I heard my father scream and said “This is the beginning of trouble. “Years later, I watched the movie titled Sometime in April, hence the title of this article

Beginning of the Slaughter
After the plane crash, the Presidential Guard, members of the Rwandan armed forces (FAR) and Hutu militia groups set up roadblocks and barricades and began slaughtering Tutsis and moderate Hutus with impunity with neighbors turning against neighbors, and family turning against family. Priests of the church handed over members of their church who were believed to be Tutsi to be slaughtered.


A man with a machete poses near a refugee camp in Rukumbell, Rwanda on May 5, 1994. Scott Peterson/Liaison/Getty Images

The massacre spread quickly across the city of Kigali to the rest of Rwanda. Local administrators in central and southern Rwanda, who were mostly Tutsi, resisted the genocide but several of them were killed. Officials rewarded killers with food, drink, drugs and money. Government-sponsored radio stations started calling on ordinary Rwandan civilians to murder their neighbours, in all, over 800,000 to 1 million people were brutally slaughtered in just 100 days, leaving the once beautiful country in ruins. This tragedy left many wondering how the people of Rwanda could ever overcome such hatred and horror.

Role of the Media in Rwanda
Irresponsible journalism played a reprehensible role in the tragic genocide that engulfed Rwanda in 1994. In the lead-up to the violence, government-controlled radio stations, notably Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM), were instrumental in inciting hatred and violence against the Tutsi minority. These radio stations propagated dehumanizing rhetoric, portraying Tutsis as "cockroaches" or "rats," effectively laying the groundwork for mass atrocities. Through inflammatory language and vitriolic broadcasts, they fueled ethnic tensions and sowed seeds of animosity among Rwandan civilians. By leveraging their influence and reach, these media outlets disseminated hate speech and encouraged ordinary citizens to take up arms against their


Kigali, the Capital of Rwanda after the genocide in 1994

neighbours. The chilling effect of their broadcasts was felt across the nation, as individuals were coerced or emboldened to participate in the systematic slaughter of Tutsis and moderate Hutus. The consequences of irresponsible journalism during this period were catastrophic. Countless lives were lost, families were torn apart, and Rwanda was scarred by a genocide that shook the world's conscience. This tragic chapter in history serves as a stark reminder of the immense power wielded by the media and the grave responsibility that comes with it.

In the aftermath of the genocide, efforts were made to hold those responsible for inciting violence through media accountable. The role of the media in perpetuating hate speech and promoting violence serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the urgent need for ethical journalism and media literacy to prevent such atrocities from occurring in the future.

30 years on
Against all odds, Rwanda has made remarkable strides in the years since, showing resilience and determination. Despite the lasting scars, Rwanda’s journey of healing, reconciliation, and development stands as an inspiring testament to the unyielding spirit of its people. As Rwanda commemorates the 30th anniversary of the horrific genocide that claimed close to a million lives, it's imperative to reflect on the remarkable journey this nation has undertaken since those dark days. From the depths of despair and destruction, Rwanda has emerged as a beacon of hope and resilience in Africa, demonstrating to the world the power of unity, reconciliation, and visionary leadership.

The Amahoro Stadium that serves as a refugee camp in 994

For many, the atrocities of the Rwandan genocide are etched into memory as a stark reminder of humanity's capacity for cruelty. The ethnic tensions between the Hutus and Tutsis erupted into violence, tearing apart families, communities, and the very fabric of Rwandan society. Innocent lives were lost in unimaginable ways, leaving scars that may never fully heal.

Leadership, Key Drivers of Rwanda's Transformation

Despite the immense challenges it faced, Rwanda refused to be defined by its tragic past. Instead, under the visionary leadership of President Paul Kagame. Central to Rwanda's remarkable transformation has been its commitment to national unity and inclusive development. The government's emphasis on reconciliation and forgiveness has enabled Rwandans to confront their painful history while forging a shared vision for the future. This collective resilience has laid the foundation for Rwanda's remarkable progress in various sectors, including education, healthcare, and economic development. In the words of President Paul Kagame, "We are Rwandans." This simple yet powerful statement encapsulates the essence of Rwanda's remarkable journey from the depths of genocide to becoming a shining star of Africa. At the heart of this transformation lies visionary leadership and a commitment to unity and inclusivity.


Paul Kagame, President, Rwanda
One of the most significant steps taken by the Rwandan government under President Kagame's leadership was the removal of ethnicity from identity cards. This symbolic gesture was more than just a bureaucratic change; it was a bold statement of Rwanda's determination to move beyond the divisions that had torn the country apart. By eliminating ethnic labels, Rwanda sought to foster a sense of national unity and belonging among its people, regardless of their background.

Critics of the Kagames Administration
While Rwanda's transformation under the leadership of President Paul Kagame has been undeniably impressive, it is essential to acknowledge the criticisms and challenges that have accompanied this journey. Critics have raised valid concerns about human rights abuses, intolerance for dissent, and the perpetuation of underlying tensions that contributed to the 1994 conflicts. One of the criticisms levelled against President Kagame's administration is its approach to dissent and political opposition. Reports of human rights abuses, including arbitrary arrests, intimidation of journalists, and suppression of political opponents, have raised serious concerns among the international community. The lack of space for political pluralism and freedom of expression undermines Rwanda's democratic credentials and raises questions about the legitimacy of its governance.


Diane Rwingara, a fierce critic of Paul Kagame arrested

Moreover, critics argue that President Kagame's consolidation of power and tight control over the political landscape risk stifling dissent and perpetuating a culture of fear and intimidation. The absence of robust opposition and independent media limits accountability and transparency, potentially undermining Rwanda's long-term stability and development. Concerns have been raised about the ethnic dynamics within Rwanda's government and society. While removing ethnicity from identity cards was a positive step towards fostering national unity, critics argue that underlying tensions persist. The dominance of Tutsis, in key government positions has fueled perceptions of favouritism and exclusion among the Hutus majority. Reports of Tutsi individuals being appointed as spies over Hutu appointees only serve to deepen mistrust and exacerbate ethnic divisions.

It is essential to recognize that while Rwanda has made remarkable progress in various areas, including economic development and social cohesion, these achievements must not come at the expense of human rights and democratic principles. Sustainable development requires a foundation of respect for human rights, the rule of law, and inclusive governance.

Today, Rwanda stands as a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and visionary leadership. From the ashes of genocide, it has risen to become one of Africa's most dynamic and

forward-thinking nations. Its impressive strides in areas such as technology, entrepreneurship, and gender equality have earned it widespread admiration and recognition on the global stage.

By: Azure Imoro Abdulai. I would appreciate your feedback, either positive or negative through email at [email protected]

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