Mon, 15 Jan 2024 Feature Article

Pope Francis' Gay Edict!

Pope Francis' Gay Edict!

"The pontiff's power to assign the Holy Spirit for homosexual bacchanal is a drunken farce. The Holy Spirit cannot be so fatally downgraded."

Pope Francis’ gay edict which qualified gay unions for Roman Catholic blessing is the most offensive denunciation of the Holy Spirit by a pope in living memory. I can’t remember a more grievous attack on holiness by a pope since Pontius Pilate!

Whether the blessings have sacramental or non-sacramental attitude is beside the point. But how a 21st Century pope can deploy the Spirit of God for homosexual concubinage is similar to the conceited blindness of Pontius Pilate to deliver Jesus Christ to the Roman soldiers to be crucified!

Christianizing homosexuality is the beginning of a process to strangulate holiness in the church and replace it with libertarian, new age doctrines meant to pull down the foundation of the church, built on the pillars of repentance unto salvation though faith in Jesus Christ.

If Pope Francis sees nothing sinful about blessing gay couples, would he see anything sinful about endorsing fornication, adultery, lust or any form of concupiscence in the church?

Rationalizing sin is a sure way to strip the church of its spiritual power, moral authority and social relevance and ultimately downgrade it into a mere religious club made up of singing and dancing members, content with a routine of religious rituals without spiritual authority.

To be or not to be gay, in itself, remains a contentious, sharply polarising concept. Pope Francis has now introduced the divisive spectacle into the house of God which is "the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth" (1 Tim 3:15) ostensibly to sow the seeds of strife and division among members in order to weaken it.

The pontiff's palace coup means the church is no more clothed with spiritual power or moral authority on this sensitive matter. It must now depend on the people's own sense of what is right or wrong to determine acceptable Christian doctrine.

It is like striping the courts of their authority to adjudicate so individuals may interpret the law by themselves. In other words, Pope Francis has lowered the tradition of righteousness set down by Christ and the Apostles over two thousand years ago in favor of a regime in church history where biblical truths become a subject of debate by pressure groups, legislatures and individuals rather than an authoritative priesthood of God.

Pope Francis’ edict is a spiritual bonanza for powerful gay lobby groups in the Catholic Church (which has itself being accused of shielding pedophilic and pederastic priestly misbehaviors). While the Vatican insists “God cannot bless sin,” the pope’s declaration betrays the church’s hypocrisy and its lack of leadership in standing for truth and righteousness when it matters most. The Scripture warns:

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." (Mathew 7:13-14)

Pope Francis may be leading hundreds of thousands of gays into the abyss by his rationalization of homosexuality. Perhaps, the Sam Georges of this world are better able to defend righteousness than the priests, prelates, bishops and all the popes put together!

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