
I got my first $1 million at 28 but lost everything at age 32 due to inexperience — McDan

Social News Daniel McKorley, CEO of the McDan Group of Companies
Daniel McKorley, CEO of the McDan Group of Companies

Business mogul Daniel McKorley, known well as McDan has opened up about some challenges he faced in the early stages of his entrepreneurial journey.

The CEO of McDan Group was speaking at the third Zongo Startup Summit in Accra on December 23rd.

McDan recounted making his first million dollars at age 28 but lost all four years later.

"I made my first $1 million at the age of 28 know one funny thing. I lost it all at the age of 32. Life is funny and there's something called attitude," he revealed.

McKorley attributed his losses to a lack of proper business principles and understanding at the time.

“To make money you need to apply certain principles, understanding and having the right attitude to make money," he advised.

The businessman highlighted the importance of imparting such entrepreneurial knowledge and skills to Zongo youth.

“When I start counting my billions, I want to have youth who are also millionaires from the Zongo around me and that is what we call success," he stated.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
